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Displaying 341 - 350 results of 390
- PageWinter is here. It’s time to think about protecting your paddocks over the coming months. … 9 practical tips around winter grazing: Plan early. When choosing paddocks for next year’s winter feed crop, think about how you can improve your management of critical source areas and waterways. Careful management is needed when winter grazing on steep slopes to reduce environmental losses. Exclude stock from waterways. Create an ungrazed buffer zone between the livestock and the waterway. Ideally, at …
- The Government has finished its consultations on four elements of the essential freshwater work programme – changes to the low-slope map for stock exclusion, freshwater farm plans, changes to the intensive winter grazing rules and wetlands. See here for more information including our factsheets and submissions . Essential freshwater rules released: update August 2020 On 5 August 2020 the Government released the freshwater policy, standards and stock exclusion regulations relating to this …
- This project aimed to understand how to better manage tagasaste (commonly known as tree lucerne) on-farm in the Hawkes’ Bay region and Taupō. … Field trials were carried out at three sites to assess the following: Seed germination and establishment of tagasaste. Forage production and nutritive value of tagasaste. Weed risk assessment for tagastaste. Production of grass and legume pasture species grown in pasture-tagasaste systems. Background There is huge potential growth for the sheep and beef …
- PageThe Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator is a free tool, designed to help farmers measure on-farm GHG emissions and sequestration. Once you’ve done your calculation you can then choose to complete our online action plan. (Note: you need an online account to access these – see below for info). … About B+LNZ’s GHG Calculator You can do a simple calculation using your existing farm area and stock numbers to get started with ‘emissions numbers’. You can also add further information to give you a more …
- New Zealand’s country of origin beef and lamb marketing programme Taste Pure Nature was developed by B+LNZ and is now led by red meat processors and exporters. … About Taste Pure Nature Taste Pure Nature was developed in partnership with meat processors and farmers as part of B+LNZ’s Market Development programme and launched in 2019. It promoted the sustainability of New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb to target groups of international consumers. Activity was undertaken in partnership …
- Award judging All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the entry/nomination form. If applicable, we also encourage you to submit supporting data. Please ensure to notify your nominee that you have put them forward for an award. A follow up call will be made with all nominated entrants to validate and get …
- Training our people is a high priority for us and as well as our own initiatives, we work in collaboration with other sector organisations to attract, train and retain the talent we need to drive our sector forward. … Learn about opportunities for on-farm training or leadership programmes B+LNZ supports below. … Training our …
- The objectives of this project were to quantify the benefits of deferred grazing, and establish criteria to help farmers identify when deferred grazing is appropriate in their farm system. … This was achieved by comparing standard rotational grazing and deferred grazing in replicated plot studies at two sites: Mataiwhetu Station – a summer wet property Otorohaea – a summer dry property. The deferred treatment was not grazed between mid-October and the end of summer / early …
- Waikato Plan Change 1 (PC1) will set rules for agricultural land use in the Waikato and Waipā catchments. This page contains the latest information on PC1. … Note : B+LNZ is involved in Environment Court proceedings for PC1. Because PC1 is ‘sub judice’ (before the Court) B+LNZ needs to be careful about what it says. This page will be updated as the Court process allows. Overview Waikato Regional Council (WRC) first notified PC1 in 2016, and following a Council Hearing, the decision of PC1 …
- PageBiodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat. As a general rule - the more diversity, the healthier that environment. … Why is biodiversity important on farm? Biodiversity is a win-win – for you as a farmer and for your property’s ecosystem. Your production platform will produce more if your pasture is healthy, earthworms are active and insects and bees are busy. Most activities that promote biodiversity have other positive spin offs. For instance, …