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Displaying 341 - 350 results of 366
  • Read up-to-date, comprehensive nutrition data for 23 beef and 25 lamb cuts and offal items in our interactive nutrition guide. … Read the guide Download the nutrition guid e (PDF 5 MB). About the guide The guide provides the amount of more than 30 key nutrients for each beef and lamb cut per 100g of the: raw edible portion of the whole cut, excluding bone and waste raw lean portion only, excluding bone and waste and trimmed of all visible fat This information is for meat from cattle and sheep …
  • Find out more about B+LNZ’s farm planning approach and access key resources. … About Farm Planning B+LNZ’s farm planning approach is designed to help you: ensure the sustainability and profitability of your business by adapting to climate change, understanding and managing your greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting the health of your soil, freshwater and biodiversity meet emerging consumer and regulatory requirements provide an evidence base to tell your farming story. The modular approach …
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    Winter is here. It’s time to think about protecting your paddocks over the coming months. … 9 practical tips around winter grazing: Plan early. When choosing paddocks for next year’s winter feed crop, think about how you can improve your management of critical source areas and waterways. Careful management is needed when winter grazing on steep slopes to reduce environmental losses. Exclude stock from waterways. Create an ungrazed buffer zone between the livestock and the waterway. Ideally, at …
  • Additional freshwater consultations – low-slope map changes, freshwater farm plans, intensive winter grazing changes, and wetlands. This page contains information about consultations, announced by the Government in July and August 2021, as part of the Essential Freshwater work programme. Public feedback is being sought on a range of proposed changes and approaches. We’ll keep this page updated. … Update 12 July 2022: these submissions were all closed by October 2021. We’ve published our …
  • The Government has finished its consultations on four elements of the essential freshwater work programme – changes to the low-slope map for stock exclusion, freshwater farm plans, changes to the intensive winter grazing rules and wetlands.  See here for more information including our factsheets and submissions . Essential freshwater rules released: update August 2020 On 5 August 2020 the Government released the freshwater policy, standards and stock exclusion regulations relating to this …
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    Careful planning for winter allows you to winter animals in a way that ensures the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained and environmental risks are mitigated. … When planning for winter, careful thought needs to be given to: 1. Paddock/Grazing Management When you’re standing at the gate considering how best to feed your crop, here are some factors to consider: Feed planning  – how many animals will this crop feed and for how long. Consider using the B+LNZ FeedSmart app. This app …
  • The Ministry for Primary Industries released Phase 1 of a national policy statement for soils in August this year which addresses the management of versatile soils. This NPS has been called the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land. … The Government has proposed a NPS-HPL to prevent the loss of more of our productive land and promote its sustainable management.  Phase 1 of the NPS-HPL looks at protecting and managing versatile soils in the face of urban growth. Phase 2 will look …
  • We work to promote good animal welfare as an intrinsic part of productive, sustainable and profitable livestock farming. … Recognising that animal welfare is increasingly important, we invest farmer levies in a range of activities that continue to ensure sheep and beef cattle farming in New Zealand has a reputation for animal welfare to be proud of. Our activities Research B+LNZ has a diverse portfolio of research, completed and ongoing, that covers nearly every aspect of stock management. In …
  • We can help you take a broad view of your farming operation with practical guidance on taking care of your people and farm business. … Workshops we currently offer … Farm Safety Management System This workshop provides you with a Farm Safety Management System. This gives you a process for identifying and managing hazards and risks and 90% of your paperwork is already done. Benchmarking Workshop This workshop provides a hands-on approach to analysing your agricultural enterprise. Learn how to …
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    Trees are an important part of pastoral-based farming systems.  … Benefits of plantings trees on farms: Provide windbreaks and shade for livestock help them grow faster​.  Stock feed during droughts or shortages of feed​.  Help soil retention on steep slopes, stop erosion.  Improve the productivity of your land, especially areas that do not grow good pasture​.  Provide landscape diversity and wildlife habitat, biodiversity​.  Absorb carbon to help offset your, or others’ emissions.  Help …