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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working at heights. “Working at heights” is defined as any height from which a fall could occur. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. What equipment do you need? Boots (or other slip resistant footwear if more appropriate) Equipment selected must be fit for purpose and in good working condition. Equipment that may be used to work at heights …
  • This project aims to outline the social and psychological impacts of Facial Eczema (FE) on livestock farmers, their families, and local communities. … Background Facial eczema (FE) constitutes a serious threat to New Zealand’s livestock industry. In addition to animal health implications and significant economic losses, farmer wellbeing can be severely affected by FE outbreaks. While well-recognised anecdotally and in the international scientific literature, it remains difficult to determine …
  • In April and May 2024 the Commission consulted on its advice to Government about New Zealand’s methane reduction targets and related issues.   About the consultation   The Commission consulted on what emissions reductions are possible by 2040, what we should aim for by 2050, and what types of emissions we should take responsibility for.  The Commission reviews New Zealand’s current emissions budgets and recommends the maximum level of the next emissions budget every few years but only looks at …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Farmer Councils are a key sounding board for the organisation. They represent farmers and provide B+LNZ with advice to guide decision making and help communicate with farmers. … The chairs and deputy chairs of regional farmer councils form the National Farmer Council Executive. Find out who is on the National Farmer Council Executive from your region below. To contact them, go through your local B+LNZ Extension Manager –  details here  (PDF, 568 KB). … More about our …
  • Calling all farmers! Register on the Beef + Lamb New Zealand electoral roll and have your say on the big issues affecting our industry. … As the industry organisation representing New Zealand’s sheep and beef producers, we invest farmer levies to help grow the industry today and for future generations. Why register? To make the best decisions on behalf of New Zealand farmers, we need to know what you think. B+LNZ is your organisation. If you're on the electoral roll you can: vote in the …
  • The aim of this study was to analyse existing data sets from animal health laboratories around New Zealand and from animals at slaughter via meat processing companies to see if the prevalence and distribution of facial eczema (FE) in beef cattle could be quantified. … Background Facial eczema is a disease of concern in New Zealand known to affect sheep, cattle, goats, llama and alpaca. FE is attributed to the ingestion of a toxin (sporidesmin A) produced by strains of the fungus  …
  • The aim of this project is to inform what influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management, and how a farm system operates with reduced drench. … The aim of this project is to assess different methods of parasite management communication with farmers and vets for their usefulness, reach, impact, and associated behaviour change. The aim of this project is to inform:   What influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management. How a …
  • B+LNZ is funded and directed by farmers via commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand. … We invest your levies in programmes designed to support a confident sector with improved farm productivity, profitability and performance. Your levy goes on targeted programmes that deliver real results – on the farm, in the market, and at the policy table. A key part of our strategic plan involves building a stronger presence in the regions to help us stay connected …
  • B+LNZ's National Webinar Series is a platform to provide updates on the work we’re doing to achieve our vision of profitable farmers, thriving farming communities, valued by all New Zealanders. … B+LNZ has established a new National Webinar series covering topics of national interest to farmers such as Essential Freshwater Policy, the Emission’s Trading Scheme and an update on Taste Pure Nature, which have proven very popular and will continue in the long-term. We want to hear from you Are …
  • Previous research has shown that sowing a catch crop can reduce nitrate leaching losses by as much as 40%, as well as improving nitrogen use efficiency and farmers’ profitability. This project aimed to upscale this previous applied research into working winter crop rotations in Canterbury and Southland and adapt it to the various soil and climatic conditions. … Background The use of catch crops is recognised as a potential tool to help reduce farmers’ nitrate leaching losses but without good …