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Displaying 291 - 300 results of 390
  • The Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards celebrate the people, the innovation, the technologies, and farming systems that make New Zealand’s red meat industry world-leading.  … The B+LNZ Awards evolved out of the successful B+LNZ Sheep Industry Awards but now encompasses the whole red meat sector (sheep, beef and dairy beef). The eight award categories (four people focused, four business focused) are continually reviewed to ensure they align with B+LNZ’s strategy and goals and reflect changes in the …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand is focused on providing significant return on investment for dairy farmers’ beef levies.   … The dairy, sheep and beef industries are closely linked, through activities such as:  non-replacement dairy calves in beef finishing  the provision of beef semen or bulls  grazing young stock  wintering dairy cows  providing feed.  Cull cows are a significant source of New Zealand’s exported beef.  Given these relationships B+LNZ continually looks at further opportunities for …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating two-wheeled farm motorbikes. It is important that all operators follow this procedure and are familiar with the operator’s manual prior to operating the motorbike. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Operator must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace If riding on a public road, operator must hold a Class 6 driver license (motorcycle license) Children are not to operate an adult sized …
  • The eight farm classes … We provide accurate, independent information to help farmers, meat processors, consultants and other organisations with their planning. Below you’ll find data and tools you can use to make farming business decisions – from export statistics to economic reports to interactive tools. … What is "all classes"? The all classes distributions are weighted averages of individual farm class data to correctly portray a whole region or the New Zealand lambing percentage …
  • In May–June 2022 the Government consulted on a draft National adaptation plan. … This plan sets out what the Government intends to do over the next five years to prepare New Zealanders for the impacts of climate change such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. We were strongly aligned with DairyNZ in our views and asked the Government to work with us further to prepare farmers with practical tools and solutions. Read our submission (PDF, 508KB) Find out more If you have any …
  • Our Innovation Farm Programme helps farmers identify tools and practices that result in real financial improvements. … About the programme Our Innovation Farms bring together the best scientific minds and farming visionaries to investigate specific technology and on farm innovations. The programme has up to 8 farmers involved at any one time and their involvement tends to last around 3 years. The farms focus on developing new knowledge and on delivering results that can be picked up by early …
  • Our history, our name and the relationship with our domestic marketing arm. … Our history In 2010 we changed our name from Meat and Wool New Zealand to Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd to reflect our new way of doing business as a meat-only organisation. We share our name and brand with Beef + Lamb New Zealand Inc, which is responsible for promoting beef and lamb at home, in the New Zealand market. Domestic promotion is jointly funded by farmer levies and New Zealand meat processors and retailers. …
  • The Farmer Research Advisory Group (FRAG) champions the critical role of research, guiding B+LNZ to ensure it is relevant, practical, and beneficial for farmers. Members serve as a vital link between B+LNZ, regional Farmer Councils (FC), and their communities, facilitating the flow of knowledge and insights. … Members Paul Crick (Chair) – Eastern North Island Andrew Kirk (Deputy Chair) Southern South Island  Richard Fowler – Dairy representative Grant West – Northern North Island  Colin …
  • Archive of Annual Reports … This page contains governance and reporting information.  … Remit policies and guidelines  A proposed remit is a statement submitted for consideration which seeks changes to policy or is a matter of major interest or concern for sheep and beef producers.  If you want to propose a remit, you should read the following documents before completing the remit form.   … Annual reports Our annual report is published in February and reports on the previous financial year, …
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    Contamination can be readily brought onto and spread around your farm by visitors, their vehicles or via equipment that has been used on other farms or at sale yards. … Recommended practices Keep the farm, yards and storage areas clean, tidy and free of vermin. Limit the unnecessary movement of people, pets and vehicles onto and around the property, especially the areas where animals are kept. Minimise the number of entry points and restrict uncontrolled access to the rest of the farm. Define …