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Displaying 291 - 300 results of 490
  • We don’t want farmers to break the law …
    Image of river through Waikato farm.
  • Video
    AgInnovation 2022: manage triple drench resistance in a lamb finishing system …
    AgInnovation 2022: Manage triple drench resistance in a lamb finishing system
  • … sheep and cattle that thrives on steep, erosion-prone, north-facing hill country. Tagasaste is suitable for both the dry shady slopes and sunny slopes, and the six-week lag time between production from the two aspects means there is the … Key results Nutrition from tagasaste Trees in Hawke’s Bay produced ~2.7 edible dry matter per tree per year with lowest production in autumn. The amount of metabolisable energy was 9.4 – 10.7 Mj/kg DM … is $165,000 over the duration of the project. Year 1 and 2 (2018/19 and 2019/20) involved the establishment and management of tagasaste, sowing companion plants within the tagasaste-pasture systems and monitoring of tagasaste-pasture …
  • Resource book
    North Canterbury Sheep Profit Partnership final report …
  • Resource book
    Biosecurity Farm Plan …
  • Factsheet
    Business Structures …
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    Canterbury: Craigmore Station Limited …
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    … environmental risks are mitigated. … When planning for winter, careful thought needs to be given to: 1. Paddock/Grazing Management When you’re standing at the gate considering how best to feed your crop, here are some factors to consider: … use a stand off area or otherwise provide temporary bedding to allow stock the opportunity to lie and rest on firm, dry ground. … Relevant resources The following resources are relevant to all livestock farmers – dairy, beef, sheep and … (Video) Paddock set-up & contingency plans with Dawn Dalley Dairy NZ & Olivia Ross B+LNZ (Video) Winter Forage Crops: management before grazing  (PDF, 546KB) Strategic Grazing of Winter Crops (Video) Reducing surface runoff from grazed …
  • … The Wormwise Handbook and other B+LNZ parasite management tools, and a list of scientific literature for those who really like to delve into the detail.  Resources for … a Wormwise workshop in your area:  Contact your B+LNZ extension manager Podcast with Dr Dave Leathwick : covering good management practice for internal parasites and answers to farmers’ questions Video:  Wormwise pre-lambing advice   Worms … Podcasts: The Parasite Chronicles Factsheet: Wormwise for Dairy (PDF, 1.4MB) News article: Winter and spring parasite management in R1 cattle News article: Understanding parasite pressure in ewes over lambing Research papers Please bear …
  • Sheep and beef farm profit margins expected to fall a further 30 per cent this season …