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Displaying 251 - 260 results of 366
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    For on-farm biosecurity to be effective, everyone involved in your farming business must be aware of your requirements and why they are important. … Recommended practices Make good biosecurity practices something your staff and visitors are eager to respect, by treating them as indicators of your operation’s quality rather than necessary evils or procedures done under sufferance. Ensure all staff understand their role in the implementation of biosecurity practices on your farm. Ensure staff …
  • Tickets cost $160+ GST and can be purchased via the link below.  … The Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards celebrate the people, the innovation, the technologies, and farming systems that make New Zealand’s red meat industry world-leading.  … The B+LNZ Awards evolved out of the successful B+LNZ Sheep Industry Awards but now encompasses the whole red meat sector (sheep, beef and dairy beef). The eight award categories (four people focused, four business focused) are continually reviewed to ensure …
  • At you can find a range of facts showing how New Zealand beef and lamb stacks up in terms of being: better for animals better for you better for the planet better for communities. We encourage you to check it out and help us bring some balance to conversations about food production.  … We’ve worked with key industry partners to develop a website containing proven facts about New Zealand’s farming methods and how our beef and lamb stacks up on key criteria. … There’s growing …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd is the farmer-owned, industry organisation representing New Zealand's sheep and beef farmers. We invest farmer levies in programmes that grow the sheep and beef industry and provide sustainable returns now and for future generations. … …
  • The lifecycle of most gut worms is the same – understanding this helps with decision-making around grazing and drenching. Understanding the patterns of what worm species predominate where, when and in which stock classes can also help you manage worms on your farm. … Worms …
  • Find out the latest values and volumes of lamb, beef and wool exported globally by region. You can also use our interactive tool to analyse meat exports by meat type, destination, season, or volume, value or average price, and generate customised charts.  … Export …
  • In May–June 2022 the Government consulted on a draft National adaptation plan. … This plan sets out what the Government intends to do over the next five years to prepare New Zealanders for the impacts of climate change such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. We were strongly aligned with DairyNZ in our views and asked the Government to work with us further to prepare farmers with practical tools and solutions. Read our submission (PDF, 508KB) Find out more If you have any …
  • The red meat sector is committed to playing our part in addressing climate change and has already made significant progress. Climate change is a particular focus for B+LNZ – we support our farmers on-farm, we work with leading climate scientists and we advocate for emissions reduction targets that are science-based and fair. … Climate …
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    Meet your enemies! Learn about the important worm species of cattle – effects on the animal, seasonal pattern, diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies.  … For information on lungworm and liver fluke, please see:  Tapeworm liver fluke and lungworm . … Common worms in …
  • Our Innovation Farm Programme helps farmers identify tools and practices that result in real financial improvements. … About the programme Our Innovation Farms bring together the best scientific minds and farming visionaries to investigate specific technology and on farm innovations. The programme has up to 8 farmers involved at any one time and their involvement tends to last around 3 years. The farms focus on developing new knowledge and on delivering results that can be picked up by early …