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    … is based on ‘time to first drench’. Superior animals are those that continue to grow for the longest period after weaning before needing to be drenched.  Such animals do not necessarily have a higher or lower FEC than their flock-mates. …
  • Our Farming for Profit Programme shares information and monitors progress amongst a whole community rather than just an individual farm. … The programmes are based on feedback from the farming community, using field days, seminars and workshops to address the issues most important to you and your neighbours. B+LNZ develops a programme of activities around the subjects farmers have identified as being critical in their region; these are always linked to a section of the sheep and beef sector …
  • Each year up to five scholarships are awarded to bold, curious, innovative, perceptive and community-minded individuals from backgrounds ranging from farming, industry bodies, catchment groups, agricultural research, food and fibre innovations hubs. … The Nuffield New Zealand Farming Scholarship is one of the most valued awards in New Zealand’s primary sector. … It is a highly regarded rural leadership programme with a global focus. It is designed to fast-track the professional development of …
  • The FMG Young Farmer of the Year Competition stands as the premier event for NZ Young Farmers, showcasing the remarkable skill and knowledge of young people within the food and fibre sector. … Since 1969, the Contest has brought together competitors, industry members, and dedicated volunteers to celebrate the future of the industry. AgriKids Every year, B+LNZ supports the primary school students through the AgriKids competition by developing and running a module based on a topic from the sheep …
  • In the 2017 manifesto, Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) and the Meat Industry Association (MIA) sought an increase in partnership and collaboration with government and others.   … It sought to increase the sector’s contribution to GDP, further the trade liberalisation agenda and collaborate on policy development to equip farmers with the right knowledge, tools and support for continuous improvement in the key focus area of the environment.  Other priority areas outlined in the manifesto included …
  • B+LNZ Genetics was established in 2014 to consolidate New Zealand’s sheep and beef genetics research and innovation into a single entity as a division of B+LNZ. … B+LNZ Genetics exists to help commercial farmers make the most profitable breeding decisions for their particular farm management system. It does this by ensuring breeding objectives are commercially focused and developing easy-to-use selection tools. … B+LNZ Genetics is funded by sheep and beef levy payers and the Ministry of …
  • Access weekly, monthly and annual slaughter statistics for export-inspected New Zealand beef, lamb and mutton, livestock numbers for the past 10 years, and estimates for the year ahead. … This information comes from aggregated data. The statistics relate to meat produced in export-inspected New Zealand beef and sheepmeat processing facilities, some of which is consumed in New Zealand. … Livestock numbers for New Zealand sheep, beef, and dairy cattle from July 2010 to July 2021, with estimates …
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    Agricultural compounds are chemicals – including veterinary medicines – used to improve the quantity and quality of produce and slow down the rate at which it spoils. … Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVMs) are used in the production of primary produce (farmed plants or animals), by home gardeners and for the health of domestic animals such as cats and dogs. The registration and levels of usage of chemicals in primary production is closely monitored by the Ministry for Primary …
  • Find out more about factors that can affect pricing in our sector. B+LNZ monitors activity and trends to help our sector forecast future price activity, mitigate risk and identify opportunities.  … International soft commodity indicators We also monitor the annual and monthly global price trends of a selection of soft commodities to forecast future price activity, mitigate risk and identify opportunities. Soft commodity indicators include:  Animal proteins – beef and lamb compared with chicken …
  • The health and safety of everyone on your farm is important – explore these safe work procedures. … Health and Safety …