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    Farmers whose intensive winter grazing practices do not meet the permitted activity criteria need to apply to their Regional Council for a resource consent by 1 May 2023. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different way. This table gives farmers links to the information they need for their specific region as well as contact details. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different …
  • The aim of this project was to evaluate different ways of communication for their reach, impact and associated behaviour change. Parasite management is important for every livestock farmer and this topic was used to help evaluate five different communication methods.  … The project used: analytics to assess the reach of the material models to predict the impact of this parasite campaign online surveys taken by participants immediately after viewing the material online surveys taken by …
  • Additional freshwater consultations – low-slope map changes, freshwater farm plans, intensive winter grazing changes, and wetlands. This page contains information about consultations, announced by the Government in July and August 2021, as part of the Essential Freshwater work programme. Public feedback is being sought on a range of proposed changes and approaches. We’ll keep this page updated. … Update 12 July 2022: these submissions were all closed by October 2021. We’ve published our …
  • Farmlands is the largest buying group of its type in New Zealand, transacting more than 2.5 billion dollars' worth of business annually and is listed in the top 20 companies by turnover in New Zealand, has 70,000 Farmlands shareholders and 82 stores nationwide. … AgResearch is one of New Zealand’s seven Crown Research Institutes. We offer world-leading expertise, and are responsible for delivering innovative science and research outcomes specifically for the agricultural sector. … Rabobank New …
  • Ballance Science & Research Award winner:   Low Methane Sheep Genetics Programme Finalists: • AgResearch Life Cycle Assessment Team • Forage Trials Willesden … Datamars Livestock Technology Award winner:   Silver Farm Farms/Lynker Net Carbon Zero Mapping Tool Finalists: • Bidr Ltd   • Cloud Yards Ltd  … Gallagher Innovative Farming Award winner:   Repost Ltd. Finalists: •   Reata Ltd •   Wharetoa Genetics … Silver Fern farms Market Leader Award:   Pearl Veal Finalists: • Ongaha •   Verry …