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Displaying 221 - 230 results of 235
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    Contamination can be readily brought onto and spread around your farm by visitors, their vehicles or via equipment that has been used on other farms or at sale yards. … Recommended practices Keep the farm, yards and storage areas clean, tidy and free of vermin. Limit the unnecessary movement of people, pets and vehicles onto and around the property, especially the areas where animals are kept. Minimise the number of entry points and restrict uncontrolled access to the rest of the farm. Define …
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    Disease prevention and control require regular attention to stock health, knowledge, planning, good record keeping and compliance with domestic regulations. Explore recommended practices and specific diseases and issues below. … Recommended practices Prevention Prevention is hugely important: develop a farm animal health plan or calendar with your veterinarian. This will include vaccination and drench programmes appropriate to the needs of your farm business. Consider buying stock on the basis …
  • This project aims to develop a laboratory-based test to predict the tolerance of pastoral livestock to sporidesmin A, the toxin attributed to Facial Eczema. … Background Facial Eczema (FE), is a disease of concern in New Zealand which is known to affect sheep, cattle, alpacas, goats, deer and llama. FE has been reported in New Zealand for over 100 years and is attributed to the ingestion of a toxin (sporidesmin A) produced by strains of the fungus Pseudopithomyces chartarum which sits in the …
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    … affected farmers at This new website contains the latest updates and M. bovis situation reports, information on the eradication process, compensation, public meetings and community events, resources, and …
  • Waikato Plan Change 1 (PC1) will set rules for agricultural land use in the Waikato and Waipā catchments. This page contains the latest information on PC1.   … Note : B+LNZ is involved in Environment Court proceedings for PC1. Because PC1 is ‘sub judice’ (before the Court) B+LNZ needs to be careful about what it says. This page will be updated as the Court process allows.  Overview  Waikato Regional Council (WRC) first notified PC1 in 2016, and following a Council Hearing, the decision of PC1 …
  • We update our strategy every few years to reflect our farmers’ priorities.   … In early 2024 we refreshed our strategy.  We worked closely with farmers to identify the most critical priorities B+LNZ should focus on to achieve our vision of thriving sheep and beef farmers, now and into the future.    Our renewed focuses   Based on farmer feedback, the 2024–27 strategy:  is focused on farm business productivity and profitability  places more emphasis where farmers have told us it matters most, …
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    … – under certain circumstances – they can proliferate and degrade waterways’ aesthetic, recreational, biodiversity and economic values. New Zealand streams are particularly prone to excessive periphyton growth because of the gravel nature of …
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    This page provides information for preparing for and responding to floods, including factsheets, and links to websites and organisations that can help provide you with support. … Factsheets for preparing for a flood, recovering from a flood and health & safety post-flood Developed in response to previous flood events, these three factsheets – Preparing for a Flood, Recovering from a Flood, and Health and Safety Post-Flood – are guidelines to help farmers prepare for rain events and deal with …
  • At B+LNZ we’re passionate about the sheep and beef industry and committed to growing a sustainable and profitable future for our sector. If you’re looking for an opportunity to start or progress your career with an organisation that values its people, invests in your development and is 100% owned by NZ sheep and beef farmers – then consider working for us.  … Current vacancies … Hi, thanks for stopping by. We’re so glad you’re interested in working for us. If you’re applying for a job with us, …
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    What’s the story with genetics for worm management? Aren’t worm-resistant sheep poor performers? What’s the difference between resistance and resilience? Who’s CarLA (hint: It’s not your sister’s mate from Temuka). Resistant sheep have high immunity to worms and pass less worm eggs in their faeces. Resilient sheep continue to grow and perform despite worm challenge. Both traits are being measured and selected by NZ sheep breeders – you can buy rams that will improve these traits in your flock. …