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Displaying 211 - 220 results of 235
  • Farmers warned to expect processing delays …
    meat processing
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) and the Meat Industry Association (MIA) launched a comprehensive package of proposed policy changes ahead of the 2023 General Election. … The proposed changes were aimed at growing export revenues and increasing jobs. The manifesto spans five key areas – climate and environment policy, workforce and industrial relations, trade, biosecurity, and innovation, research and development. The manifesto was sent to every Member of Parliament and relevant officials. It …
  • … a serious threat to New Zealand’s livestock industry. In addition to animal health implications and significant economic losses, farmer wellbeing can be severely affected by FE outbreaks. While well-recognised anecdotally and in the …
  • … submission on behalf of farmers to highlight the inequity of the approach the Commission took. Our submission included economic analysis of the impacts of the Commission’s suggested approach.    B+LNZ does not accept the current emissions …
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    … in several formats to suit your preference. Resources for Facial Eczema Web –  Gribbles, B+LNZ & Dairy NZ Facial Eczema reports Download –  Facing up to Facial Eczema resource book Download –  Facing up to Facial Eczema factsheet Download –  …
  • B+LNZ has developed a range of handy tools to help farmers, meat processors, advisors and others with planning and business decisions.  … Lambing calculator  Compare your lambing percentage with other farms of your type, and regionally and nationally, using information sourced from B+LNZ’s Sheep & Beef Farm Survey.  … Sheep calendar   Key sheep-producing activities across the year, to help you manage ewes effectively and keep your team updated.   … Benchmarking tool  Find out the key …
  • … in adult ewes to long-acting anthelmintic treatment pre-mating: relationship with body condition score " Scientific reports: “ Anthelmintic compounds with long-acting, broad-spectra of activity impact the rumen microbial communities of …
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    What type of worm laid those eggs? Faecal egg counts tell us how many worm eggs our stock are passing. Larval cultures tell us what worm genus the eggs are from.   … Larval cultures are normally done at an animal health laboratory. Eggs are incubated and  hatched out; the resulting larvae are identified under a microscope. Larval cultures identify worms to the ‘genus’ level (not ‘species') – e.g. Trichostrongylus worms are reported as ‘Trichstrongylus’ , not ‘ T colubriformis’ or ‘ T vitrinus’ …
  • The Ministry for Primary Industries released Phase 1 of a national policy statement for soils in August this year which addresses the management of versatile soils. This NPS has been called the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land. … The Government has proposed a NPS-HPL to prevent the loss of more of our productive land and promote its sustainable management.  Phase 1 of the NPS-HPL looks at protecting and managing versatile soils in the face of urban growth. Phase 2 will look …
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    Disease prevention and control require regular attention to stock health, knowledge, planning, good record keeping and compliance with domestic regulations. Explore recommended practices and specific diseases and issues below. … Recommended practices Prevention Prevention is hugely important: develop a farm animal health plan or calendar with your veterinarian. This will include vaccination and drench programmes appropriate to the needs of your farm business. Consider buying stock on the basis …