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Displaying 211 - 220 results of 227
  • Find out more about B+LNZ’s farm planning approach and access key resources. … About Farm Planning B+LNZ’s farm planning approach is designed to help you: ensure the sustainability and profitability of your business by adapting to climate change, understanding and managing your greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting the health of your soil, freshwater and biodiversity meet emerging consumer and regulatory requirements provide an evidence base to tell your farming story. The modular approach …
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    This Safe Work Procedure (SWP) is to be used when moving stock on a public road. … Risks Collisions with motor vehicles or other road traffic. Personal Protective Equipment If using motorbikes or an ATV, helmets are to be worn as per standard practice. Minimum Operator Requirements: Stockpeople must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. Vehicles, ATV’s or two wheel motorcycles operators must meet requirements of relevant Safe Work …
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    Drench resistance is evolution in action (remember Darwin?). Here we examine the risk factors for developing drench resistance on your farm. We also show you what you can do to assess your own situation. … 'Drench resistance' is present on a farm when there are a measurable number of worms surviving in the animals after treatment with anthelmintics. You can test for it with simple 'drench checks' or a more detailed faecal egg count reduction test. Management practices that improve nutrition to …
  • This project investigated the potential effect of long-acting drench products on the rumen microbiome, the effect of parasites on ewe growth, Body Condition Score and fecundity over the summer-autumn period. … This project investigated the following: the potential effect of long-acting drench products on the rumen microbiome. This was done using 300 ewes in total that were given one of three different treatments (long-acting drench product, controlled release capsule and untreated control). The …
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    Careful planning for winter allows you to winter animals in a way that ensures the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained and environmental risks are mitigated. … When planning for winter, careful thought needs to be given to: 1. Paddock/Grazing Management When you’re standing at the gate considering how best to feed your crop, here are some factors to consider: Feed planning  – how many animals will this crop feed and for how long. Consider using the B+LNZ FeedSmart app. This app …
  • Protecting New Zealand's iconic flora and fauna is integral to the future of farming and the Government is consulting on how it can protect New Zealand's native biosecurity. … Update 25 July 2022 The Government’s consultation on the exposure draft of the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity has now closed. B+LNZ provided a joint submission with DINZ. Read our submission here (PDF, 92KB). The supporting documents (a review of the SNA criteria by Element Environmental and the …
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    What’s the problem with high levels of nutrients? The problem is periphyton – the slime and algae found on river and stream beds. These organisms are essential for ecosystem functioning, but – under certain circumstances – they can proliferate and degrade waterways’ aesthetic, recreational, biodiversity and economic values. New Zealand streams are particularly prone to excessive periphyton growth because of the gravel nature of stream beds, high-intensity sunlight, warm waters and nutrient …
  • Since the passage of the Zero Carbon Bill we have actively advocated for the Government to review the methane targets using the GWP* metric and to start reporting on the warming impact of various gases. … This page is a snapshot of the work we’ve been doing – in the background we’ve also had numerous meetings with the Climate Change Commission, academics and officials about these issues.  B+LNZ calls for critical changes in methane approach in Zero Carbon Bill (May 2019) Beef + Lamb New Zealand …
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    The term ‘Refugia’ can be really confusing! The outcome we want is to stop your farm from becoming dominated by drench-resistant worms. Using Refugia means leaving some worms free to breed without ‘screening’ by drench. There are various ways to achieve this.  … What is Refugia? The term Refugia means a worm population that can reproduce without being exposed to drenching.  Keeping a population (or refuge) of drench-susceptible worms on the farm can slow the build-up of parasites resistant (R) …
  • Numerous rewarding career opportunities exist in sheep and beef farming and the broader red meat sector. Whether you're seeking your initial job or exploring training options, we've compiled useful resources to assist you on your path. … There are many exciting careers available within sheep and beef farming and the wider red meat sector.  Many people gain work on a farm directly after leaving school. Others choose to study first at a university, polytechnic or a cadet farm. The variety of …