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Displaying 201 - 210 results of 241
  • The Wormwise Handbook and other B+LNZ parasite management tools, and a list of scientific literature for those who really like to delve into the detail.  Resources for farmers Wormwise handbook  (PDF, 4.3MB) – or request a printed copy Request a Wormwise workshop in your area:  Contact your B+LNZ extension manager Podcast with Dr Dave Leathwick : covering good management practice for internal parasites and answers to farmers’ questions Video:  Wormwise pre-lambing advice   Worms in refugia : a …
  • The objectives of this project were to quantify the benefits of deferred grazing, and establish criteria to help farmers identify when deferred grazing is appropriate in their farm system.  … This was achieved by comparing standard rotational grazing and deferred grazing in replicated plot studies at two sites:    Mataiwhetu Station – a summer wet property    Otorohaea – a summer dry property.   The deferred treatment was not grazed between mid-October and the end of summer / early …
  • Thinking of upskilling and already in employment on a sheep and beef farm? With Te Pūkenga | Primary ITO you can earn while you learn. … There are a few excellent reasons why you should consider on-job training, progress your career and get in touch with your local Training Advisor:  Earn while you learn and get qualified.  For the whole of 2024, fees for nearly all agriculture training through Primary ITO is now up to 50% off. Terms and conditions apply, see for …
  • Rebuilding continues one-year on from Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle …
  • FITT was a B+LNZ initiative to improve farm profitability. It offered funding for groups of sheep and cattle farmers to trial new approaches or farming systems. … How FITT works Farmers within a region or district were encouraged to get together and apply for funding for a project to address a local problem or opportunity.  Suitable projects  The project must have immediate and relevant application on-farm. The emphasis must be on developing practical systems to solve immediate farming problems …
  • Our history, our name and the relationship with our domestic marketing arm. … Our history In 2010 we changed our name from Meat and Wool New Zealand to Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd to reflect our new way of doing business as a meat-only organisation. We share our name and brand with Beef + Lamb New Zealand Inc, which is responsible for promoting beef and lamb at home, in the New Zealand market. Domestic promotion is jointly funded by farmer levies and New Zealand meat processors and retailers. …
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    Farmers whose intensive winter grazing practices do not meet the permitted activity criteria need to apply to their Regional Council for a resource consent by 1 May 2023. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different way. This table gives farmers links to the information they need for their specific region as well as contact details. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different …
  • Our Farming for Profit Programme shares information and monitors progress amongst a whole community rather than just an individual farm. … The programmes are based on feedback from the farming community, using field days, seminars and workshops to address the issues most important to you and your neighbours. B+LNZ develops a programme of activities around the subjects farmers have identified as being critical in their region; these are always linked to a section of the sheep and beef sector …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand, alongside DairyNZ and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), is a partner in the Mycoplasma bovis ( M. bovis ) eradication programme. … M. bovis is a bacteria that can cause serious health conditions in cattle, including mastitis (udder infection), pneumonia, arthritis, and ill-thrift in calves. Less commonly it can cause progressive neurological disease in calves, conjunctivitis, and reproductive losses. The programme aims to: eradicate M. bovis from New Zealand …
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    In a joint decision, the Government and industry have agreed to attempt phased eradication of Mycoplasma bovis from New Zealand. The outbreak of M. bovis and the phased eradication programme underscores the importance of on-farm biosecurity. This information resource aims to help you understand what the phased eradication programme means for your farm business, support you to review your general farm biosecurity, and provide relevant information about M. bovis . … Update 11 November 2021: …