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    … continuous improvement. … Below are some resources to help ensure you are continuously upskilling your staff. Manager's reports (PDF, 395 KB) Performance incentives (PDF, 355 KB) Performance management (PDF, 573 KB) Sheep. beef, deer career …
  • Managing cash and feed to get through tough financial times …
    image of person looking over figures
  • … first point of contact. Find out who your local Extension Manager is here  (PDF, 568 KB). Find out who your local Economic Service Manager is here (PDF,  391KB). For general B+LNZ contact details see the Contact Us page . Key contacts … Sheep Genetics Operations Specialist: … Meet our Extension Team … Meet our Economic Service Team … Regional …
  • NZ an international outlier by allowing 100 percent of emissions offsetting through forestry …
  • New Zealand's biosecurity is vital for protecting our environment, economy and human and animal health. … Biosecurity resources …
  • … Association (MIA) released key documents that help tell the sector’s story. … New independent research by SG Heilbron Economic & Policy Consulting quantified the red meat sector’s significant contribution to the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of New Zealand. The research confirmed the red meat sector is one of the largest … set out the long-term policy settings that needed to be addressed for the red meat sector to lead New Zealand’s economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. Copies of the documents can be found below.  … Key documents … 2020 …
  • Changes to overseas investment rules for forestry a good start but Government needs to do more …
    pine trees
  • … and banking requirements During this module you will: gain an understanding of how to read and interpret financial reports understand what they can tell you about your business. explore how banks assess you and your business along tips …
  • Update on policy relating to highly productive land …
    cows and landscape
  • Info on how our annual meeting process works … B+LNZ’s annual meeting provides a great opportunity for levypayers to learn more about where your levies are invested, and to have your say.   … Annual meeting  B+LNZ’s annual meeting provides a great opportunity for levypayers to learn more about where your levies are invested, and to have your say.    2024 meeting documentation  Voting pack documents:  Chair’s letter 2024 (PDF, 40KB) B+LNZ Company resolution explanatory notes 2024 (includes …