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Displaying 161 - 170 results of 366
  • Numerous rewarding career opportunities exist in sheep and beef farming and the broader red meat sector. Whether you're seeking your initial job or exploring training options, we've compiled useful resources to assist you on your path. … There are many exciting careers available within sheep and beef farming and the wider red meat sector.  Many people gain work on a farm directly after leaving school. Others choose to study first at a university, polytechnic or a cadet farm. The variety of …
  • In a global context the New Zealand beef and lamb sector is unique, we have an export profile like no other (more than 90 per cent of our sheepmeat and beef goes overseas), we are niche producers (we can only feed 30 million people) and our production is based on natural farming systems. … We know that competition in the meat market is strong and new competitors are emerging. This means that as a sector we need to work harder than anyone else in the world markets – we need to know our consumers …
  • A new blueprint to lift the environmental performance of New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector has been unveiled by Beef + Lamb New Zealand. … The Environment Strategy lays out a progressive long-term vision for the sector based around four priority areas – healthy productive soils, thriving biodiversity, reducing carbon emissions and cleaner water. As part of the plan, B+LNZ has identified two key goals – every sheep and beef farm having a tailored and active environment plan by the end of 2021, …
  • Together with DairyNZ, B+LNZ is working to support NZ Young Farmers’ members to grow as leaders while promoting the food and fibre sector within high schools across New Zealand.  … By connecting young farmer clubs to local schools we aim to: To give students a better understanding of the food and fibre sector, the job opportunities and skills required.  To increase student and teacher confidence of the food and fibre sector and in the learning/training/transition pathways from school to …
  • … that farmers can put in place to protect the future performance of their capital breeding stock, such as early weaning, body condition scoring and feed budgets. Most importantly, farmers need to look after the well-being of …
  • … and subclinical mastitis in ewes the impact of udder and teat defects and udder health on lamb survival and pre-weaning live weight gain. Background Lambing percentages in New Zealand have increased over the past twenty years, putting increased emphasis on ewe udder health to enhance lamb survival and maximise pre-weaning growth rates. Many farmers indicate that they examine the udders of their ewes and make culling decisions based on … scores can be used to determine culling decisions or identify ewes whose lambs had greater odds of failure to survive weaning. Udder palpation, udder symmetry and clinical mastitis scores during lactation were associated with lamb growth …
  • The aim of this project was to evaluate different ways of communication for their reach, impact and associated behaviour change. Parasite management is important for every livestock farmer and this topic was used to help evaluate five different communication methods.  … The project used: analytics to assess the reach of the material models to predict the impact of this parasite campaign online surveys taken by participants immediately after viewing the material online surveys taken by …
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    Catch-crops increase the efficiency of the operation by retaining nitrogen in the root zone that farmers would otherwise have waved goodbye to. … Planting a catch crop is a way of reducing the risk of nitrate leaching after winter grazing, where there can be large amounts of residual soil nitrogen that is at risk of leaching. By planting another crop as soon as possible after your final grazing, you can capture those nutrients in the second crop and increase overall feed production from the …
  • HATA provides support for teachers with resources, content and conferences. Get access to the Members only section of their website, featuring valuable information and resources.  … The Horticulture and Agriculture Teachers Association of New Zealand (HATA) is a subject association dedicated to promoting and improving the teaching and learning of Agricultural and Horticultural Science in New Zealand schools.  … B+LNZ works with the Sow the Seed team to help connect teachers to information and …
  • Frequently Asked Questions … This map allows you to connect with other catchment community groups. See where they are, add your own and connect.   … Encouraging farmer participation and leadership in catchment community groups can represent a rural voice that can help build more resilient communities that can respond to local opportunities or issues.  … Beef + Lamb New Zealand understands the importance of catchment community groups and the positive impacts they can have on farming communities. …