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Displaying 161 - 170 results of 977
  • … Supporting sector capability and training …
    Training students
  • … Keep up-to-date with industry inputs and trends to build a complete picture of your farm and our sector. … Farm data and industry production …
  • Page
    … Sheep breeding with most lambs sold store or grown out elsewhere … Sheep breeding and finishing on same feed platform … Lamb finishing on ‘clean’ feed … Lamb trading on permanent pasture only … Learn about how different farm systems and policies set up different levels of risk – both for worm challenge, and for drench resistance. We also highlight some management ideas and risk mitigations. … Good nutrition is #1  No matter …
  • Factsheet
    … Describe and advertise the job …
  • … In a global context the New Zealand beef and lamb sector is unique, we have an export profile like no other (more than 90 per cent of our sheepmeat and beef goes overseas), we are niche producers (we can only feed 30 million people) and our production is based on natural farming systems. … We know that competition in the meat market is strong and new …
  • Page
    … Not all testing for worms involves handling poo! Here we discuss how animal performance and health checks can be used in worm monitoring. This includes things you can check after an animal has died. … Liveweight monitoring and targeted selective treatment (TST)  What is it? Parasite infections in young animals can cause reduced appetite and
  • Video
    … Forestry and Farming: Productivity and profitability of the sheep & beef sector, emissions and carbon credits …
  • External resource
    Rural Support Trust …
  • Video
    Early weaning …
  • Resource book
    FW5 Our Plan template: Freshwater monitoring plan …