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    Which paddocks will you be using for next year’s winter feed crops? To ensure the best environmental and animal welfare outcomes, B+LNZ has compiled a list of three critical factors to consider when selecting paddocks for growing winter feed crops. … 1. Understand the risks of winter grazing  Winter grazing can increase the risk of sediment, harmful bacteria and nutrients ending up in water. Reducing this risk begins with paddock selection. Paddocks with water flowing through or over the soil …
  • In April and May 2024 the Commission consulted on its advice to Government about New Zealand’s methane reduction targets and related issues.   About the consultation   The Commission consulted on what emissions reductions are possible by 2040, what we should aim for by 2050, and what types of emissions we should take responsibility for.  The Commission reviews New Zealand’s current emissions budgets and recommends the maximum level of the next emissions budget every few years but only looks at …
  • Find out more about factors that can affect pricing in our sector. B+LNZ monitors activity and trends to help our sector forecast future price activity, mitigate risk and identify opportunities.  … International soft commodity indicators We also monitor the annual and monthly global price trends of a selection of soft commodities to forecast future price activity, mitigate risk and identify opportunities. Soft commodity indicators include:  Animal proteins – beef and lamb compared with chicken …
  • B+LNZ is funded and directed by farmers via commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand. … We invest your levies in programmes designed to support a confident sector with improved farm productivity, profitability and performance. Your levy goes on targeted programmes that deliver real results – on the farm, in the market, and at the policy table. A key part of our strategic plan involves building a stronger presence in the regions to help us stay connected …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand is focused on providing significant return on investment for dairy farmers’ beef levies.   … The dairy, sheep and beef industries are closely linked, through activities such as:  non-replacement dairy calves in beef finishing  the provision of beef semen or bulls  grazing young stock  wintering dairy cows  providing feed.  Cull cows are a significant source of New Zealand’s exported beef.  Given these relationships B+LNZ continually looks at further opportunities for …
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    … Willows and poplars (PDF, 552 KB) Trees for the farm (PDF, 822 KB) Tagasaste (PDF, 770 KB) Farm Forestry selection tool Trees for Bees website Podcast: ‘Right tree, right place’   LINZ basemaps Attend a B+LNZ Trees Within Farms Workshop  …
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    Looking out for the following can help you reduce unplanned pregnancies Drafting out male lambs from ewe lambs as the flock gets closer to sexual maturity (puberty). The age of puberty is influenced by breed, genetics, size (weight), nutrition, and season of birth. Ewe lambs can reach puberty as early as five months of age.   It is recommended to draft any non-replacement ewe hoggets you plan to sale once they meet liveweights which increase their chances of conception (35–40kg). When shearing …
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    Some soil – or sediment – in a stream is natural. But, if sediment levels get too high, it can disrupt ecosystems and kill freshwater species. It’s also a major source of phosphorus, because phosphate sticks to soil particles. … Where does excess sediment in our waterways come from? Sediment in waterways usually comes from land erosion. Erosion is a natural process, but – by removing most of New Zealand’s original forest cover – we have exposed soil to the elements and accelerated this natural …
  • … a summer dry property   Pukekauri Farms – a summer wet property. Background ‘Deferred grazing’ is a management tool used to maintain pasture quality and rejuvenate paddocks on pastoral farms. In the deferred paddocks, perennial …    New Zealand Herald: “Weighing up deferred grazing benefits”     B+LNZ Knowledge Hub article: “ Deferred grazing – a tool to build farm system resilience ”   Scientific publications New Zealand Grasslands Association Journal : " Effects of …
  • … those farming activities of a certain intensity to obtain resource consent, with farm plans remaining the fundamental tool to manage contaminants.   Content of provisions:  The content of the minimum farm standards and stock exclusion …