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Displaying 181 - 190 results of 389
  • High inflation and reduced livestock prices could see farm profits fall more than 30% …
    trade containters
  • … Otorohaea – a summer dry property.   The deferred treatment was not grazed between mid-October and the end of summer / early autumn (depending on the farm) but was rotationally grazed after the deferred period for the remainder of …
  • … to farmers for making their own submissions. Submissions closed on Wednesday 24 November and the plan will be finalised early 2022. More information about the Emissions Reduction Plan and consultation is on the Ministry for the Environment’s …
  • Smartworm® App trial yields promising results …
    drenching ewes
  • A list of various papers on alternative options for worm control can be found at the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control. A good local review is provided on Deer Industry New Zealand’s Deer Hub website (pages 63–74).  … A range of different ‘natural’ products, herbs and minerals are sometimes advocated as treatments or preventives for worm infections in livestock. This page is by no means a complete list. But here we review some commonly mentioned ones, and available …
  • At B+LNZ we’re passionate about the sheep and beef industry and committed to growing a sustainable and profitable future for our sector. If you’re looking for an opportunity to start or progress your career with an organisation that values its people, invests in your development and is 100% owned by NZ sheep and beef farmers – then consider working for us.  … Current vacancies … Hi, thanks for stopping by. We’re so glad you’re interested in working for us. If you’re applying for a job with us, …
  • Red meat sector releases political manifesto and Red Meat Report …
    image of Sam and Andrew
  • Farmers warned to expect processing delays …
    meat processing
  • We work to promote good animal welfare as an intrinsic part of productive, sustainable and profitable livestock farming. … The Animal Protection Index, which ranks 50 countries across the world on their animal welfare standards, places New Zealand (along with the United Kingdom, Austria and Switzerland) in first place. Recognising that animal welfare is increasingly important, we invest farmer levies in a range of activities that continue to ensure sheep and beef cattle farming in New Zealand …
  • Page
    … calculator was funded by the Red Meat Profit Partnership (RMPP) and B+LNZ. It will help farmers and the sector meet early milestones of the He Waka Eke Noa climate action partnership that puts management and mitigation of GHG emissions in …