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  • Video
    Parasites 101 …
  • … of ivermectin (a macrocyclic lactone) reaching target cattle tissues (abomasum and small intestine) and the target parasites ( Ostertagia  and  Cooperia ) when given to cattle orally, by injection or pour-on.  … Background While it is … different. Despite evidence that pour-on administration is the least effective and most likely to select for resistant parasites, these products are the most common for the cattle market in New Zealand today. Solid evidence explaining why … or pour-ons and this is probably because orals deliver a higher concentration of active ingredients to the target parasites in the gut.   Despite this information, most cattle farmers continue to use pour-ons because of their ease of …
  • Podcast
    The Parasite Chronicles Episode one: Tom Brown …
    The Parasite Chronicles 1: Tom Brown
  • Podcast
    … Dave Leathwick: Animal health, internal parasites
  • Revolutionising internal parasite management …
    drenching ewes
  • Factsheet
    Advancing internal parasite management …
  • … making associated with parasite management. How a farm system operates with reduced drench. Background Internal parasites are one of the most important animal health challenges for our sheep and beef farmers. Treatment for parasites has predominantly been through using anthelmintics, or drench.  In-depth interviews will be held with up to 15 … Scientist: Anne Riddler.  B+LNZ point of contact : Cara Brosnahan . … Farmer interviews – reduced drench for internal parasites
  • Parasite resistance to drenches Action Plan launched …
    drenching ewes
  • Podcast
    The Parasite Chronicles episode two: Andrew Law …
    The Parasite Chronicles Episode 2: Andrew Law
  • External resource
    Drench Resistance …