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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 235
  • … B+LNZ's Insights team publishes a range of detailed reports and information each year covering national data, analysis and forecasts for farmers in the sheep and beef sectors. … Our reports are updated mid-season, and we estimate the projected lamb crop every November. Our Economic Service team also provides reports on specific subjects related to the sheep and beef sector, including annual … receive these reports on a regular basis, email … 2024 … 2023 … 2022 … 2021 … 2020 … 2019 … 2018 … Economic reports
  • … B+LNZ’s Economic Service comment on December 2021 red meat exports …
    image of meat packing
  • External resource
    Economic Evaluation of Stock Water Reticulation on Hill Country report …
  • B+LNZ also provides a range of interactive tools to help with planning and business decisions. Access our Lambing Calculator, Sheep Calendar, Benchmarking Tool, Meat Export Tool, Meat and Wool Calculator, Profitability Calculator and Bizplan.  … Industry …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand report shows on-farm inflation at 2.8 percent …
  • … Archive of Annual Reports … This page contains governance and reporting information.  … Remit policies and guidelines  A proposed remit is a … If you want to propose a remit, you should read the following documents before completing the remit form.   … Annual reports Our annual report is published in February and reports on the previous financial year, from 1 October to 30 September. For a hard copy, please contact us . … …
  • Industry data
    China market insights report 2024 …
  • Report finds Northland’s Extension 350 farming programme a success …
    350 extension banner
  • Resource book
    … Managers Reports
  • … B+LNZ’s Economic Service celebrates 70th anniversary …
    economic service