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  • Resource book
    … Extreme Dry Management Toolkit …
  • Factsheet
    … Guidance on extreme dry management
  • Video
    … Talking Bull: Day-to-day management
  • … Beef + Lamb New Zealand has a number of resources to help manage extremely dry weather conditions. While no one can make it rain, there are management strategies that farmers can put in place to protect the future performance of their capital breeding stock, … Below is a list of ideas, resources and decision-support tools to consider, to help you and your staff manage the dry. … Drought resources …
  • … sward is often more open than in silage paddocks.  More sunlight gets to the base of the pasture and (especially in dry summers) - more larvae die from heat and drying. The grass can take longer to re-grow – more larvae die of over time. … takes months, not weeks, for larval levels on pasture to drop simply because of time. The exception is extreme hot and dry conditions: L3 larvae do not feed – they rely on stored metabolites to survive.  In warm conditions, the larvae use up … energy more slowly and it may take 3-6 months for numbers on pasture to drop enough to make a difference. … Grazing management
  • Video
    Avery Field Day – Derrick Moot on climate change and pasture responses …
  • … Managing feed in extremely dry conditions …
    cattle feed trough
  • Podcast
    … Animal Health Management with Trevor Cook …
    Trevor Cook
  • Factsheet
    … Grazing management to encourage sub clover in dryland pastures …
  • Factsheet
    … Worm Management