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Displaying 941 - 950 results of 981
  • … B+LNZ’s Taste Pure Nature origin brand is live in the US and China with a digital media campaign to introduce our target market – the “Conscious Foodies” to the provenance of New Zealand beef and lamb. … Our Taste Pure Nature origin brand will be used as a global brand platform to underpin exporters’ marketing programmes and enhance the positioning of New Zealand red meat. It has been developed in partnership with meat processors and
  • … FITT was a B+LNZ initiative to improve farm profitability. It offered funding for groups of sheep and cattle farmers to trial new approaches or farming systems. … How FITT works Farmers within a region or district were encouraged to get together and apply for funding for a project to address a local problem or opportunity.  Suitable projects  The project must have immediate and relevant application on-farm. The emphasis must be on developing practical systems to solve immediate farming problems …
  • … The main findings from this project showed that helicropping can be undertaken and utilised in a way that minimises environment risks. … The overall project objective was to define the role of helicropping in crop establishment and pasture renewal including:  • methodology  • where best undertaken  • identification of risks (particularly at grazing)  • risk mitigation (catch crop, cover crops, sediment bunds and runoff barriers). The project harnesses learnings from existing knowledge gained by the industry (particularly farmers …
  • … B+LNZ supports sheep and beef farmers to protect and enhance New Zealand's unique indigenous biodiversity. Farmers are passionate kaitiaki or guardians of the land, and B+LNZ's advocates for policies that enable farmers to protect and restore on-farm biodiversity within their farming …
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    … What with? … Learn about when you should administer a quarantine drench, what to use, and importantly – what to do afterwards!  … The ‘why’ of quarantine  The aim of a quarantine drench to bought-in stock is … ensure you don’t make this worse by importing worms with nastier genetics than the ones already there!  Bought-in lambs and calves represent the biggest risk of importing drench-resistant worms, but those buying in replacement ewes of unknown … classes are highly effective.  Maybe  Beef weaners from cow breeding system (these are generally low drench use systems and have low risk of developing resistant worms). Cattle in the 1 year – 2 year age group with a history of high drench …
  • … B+LNZ runs its own high-profile awards that celebrate the people, innovation, technologies and farming systems that make New Zealand’s grass-based red meat industry world-leading.  Entries are open for the 2024 …
  • … This project will evaluate a range of catch crop species and establishment techniques to reduce sediment and surface flow losses following the winter grazing of forage crops.  Trials will be carried out on hill country in the Hawkes Bay and Horizons regions, but the systems developed will provide spill-over benefits to all farming regions and terrains …
  • … Preliminary analyses of 84 suspected Pse. chartarum isolates from the environment have been carried out by AgResearch and Manaaki Whenua. This analysis indicates that the New Zealand isolates of Pse. chartarum separate into three major … be analysed to compare genetic relatedness of isolates from facial eczema affected farms with environmental isolates and those from the same genus or closely related species. Representative isolates from each group will have their genetic code further analysed in depth, their form and structure described, and any new species will be named. Genetic analyses will help provide insights into potential …
  • … Find out more about B+LNZ’s mahi in the Māori agribusiness sector.    … To be a Korowai of support and advocacy for our Māori levy payers as well as the wider Red Meat sector .  ‘Waiho I te toipoto, Kaua I te toiroa’ , … not far apart’   Our mahi in the Māori agribusiness sector covers a range of areas including:  providing information and support – we work on the ground where needed, run wānanga and hui, and collaborate across the sector, with a strong focus on farm system outcomes that look at all aspects of the …
  • … Growing demand for skilled workers in the primary industries has led B+LNZ to team up with St Paul’s Collegiate School and help create New Zealand’s first Agribusiness curriculum for secondary school students. … Agribusiness at St Paul’s exposes students to the wide range of skills required and the opportunities available in the primary sector up to and beyond the farm gate. It is offered at NCEA Levels 2 and 3 and has been designed for students who excel in science and