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  • … of parasites, or worms, to all classes of drench is a major concern in New Zealand farming systems. Intensive finishing and hogget grazing systems are at high risk of developing triple drench resistance, as are areas on farm predominately … drench resistance on farm. This project harnessed the power of relationships between a group of Wairarapa breeding and finishing properties, their vets and industry experts to have an in depth look at the impact lambs supplied from the group breeding properties had on a …
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    … Some soil – or sediment – in a stream is natural. But, if sediment levels get too high, it can disrupt ecosystems and kill freshwater species. It’s also a major source of phosphorus, because phosphate sticks to soil particles. … Where … a natural process, but – by removing most of New Zealand’s original forest cover – we have exposed soil to the elements and accelerated this natural process.  Pasture produces two-to-five times more sediment than an equivalent area of forest. Sheep and beef farming can be a reasonably high contributor of sediment to New Zealand waterways through erosion of steep …
  • … Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Farmer Councils are a key sounding board for the organisation. They represent farmers and provide B+LNZ with advice to guide decision making and help communicate with farmers. … The chairs and deputy chairs of regional farmer councils form the National Farmer Council Executive. Find out who is on the National …
  • … Considering your training options for a career in the sheep and beef industry? Young people who have trained at a cadet farm are highly sought after by employers. … Places at cadet … well worth trying for a place. If you get accepted to a cadet farm, you'll go through a structured training programme and come out a well-rounded employee, ready for work in the sheep and beef industry. What are the options? Growing Future Farmers Growing Future Farmers is a two-year programme combines a …
  • … aimed to understand how to better manage tagasaste (commonly known as tree lucerne) on-farm in the Hawkes’ Bay region and Taupō. … Field trials were carried out at three sites to assess the following: Seed germination and establishment of tagasaste. Forage production and nutritive value of tagasaste. Weed risk assessment for tagastaste. Production of grass and legume pasture species …
  • … Good environmental and animal welfare outcomes require good practice. Farmers are already doing some great work in both the animal welfare and the environmental space, but there is always more to be done. Managing winter grazing activities to minimise impact on animal welfare and your waterways is easy and effective when you have a plan in place and simple management tweaks thought out in …
  • … focus on as they develop their policy platforms, to ensure the red meat sector can continue to grow export revenues and increase jobs.   It is sent to every Member of Parliament and relevant officials and forms the basis of B+LNZ’s advocacy in an election year.   … Manifesto …
  • … B+LNZ is representing sheep and beef farmers’ interests in the Resource Management Act (RMA) reforms process. … The Government is proposing to replace … draft legislation were sought as part of the select committee process. Because what was released was so detailed and complex, and the submission period was short, B+LNZ made a submission on behalf of sheep and beef farmers. While we support the …
  • … FITT was a B+LNZ initiative to improve farm profitability. It offered funding for groups of sheep and cattle farmers to trial new approaches or farming systems. … How FITT works Farmers within a region or district were encouraged to get together and apply for funding for a project to address a local problem or opportunity.  Suitable projects  The project must have immediate and relevant application on-farm. The emphasis must be on developing practical systems to solve immediate farming problems …
  • … In April and May 2024 the Commission consulted on its advice to Government about New Zealand’s methane reduction targets and related issues.   About the consultation   The Commission consulted on what emissions reductions are possible by 2040, what we should aim for by 2050, and what types of emissions we should take responsibility for.  The Commission reviews New Zealand’s current emissions …