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Displaying 91 - 93 results of 93
  • Crop types and worms … Does method of crop establishment matter? … Do crops have less worm larvae on them? What’s the best crop for low worm challenge? What if there’s lots of grass through my crop? Learn about worm challenge on different forage types, and approaches to managing worms and drench inputs while animals are grazing crops.  … Why crops?  Crops not only provide a less favourable habitat for worm larvae, but can also provide better nutrition, to grow young stock more quickly through …
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    Things that can affect FEC results … This topic is a bit of a minefield, and we can’t stress enough that faecal egg counts are a GUIDE to the number of worms inside animals. You must interpret them in light of all other information available! The TREND in FECs can often be as helpful as the absolute numbers. Repeat FEC monitoring of a mob of animals often gives better information than one count in isolation … I’ve got the FEC results – what do they mean?  The answer to this question usually …
  • Ballance Science & Research Award winner:   Lincoln University Dryland Pastures Research Group Finalists: • AgResearch Parasite Team • Strategic Winter Grazing Research Team … Datamars Livestock Technology Award winner:   Farmax Ltd Finalists: • Knode • Silver Fern Farms – Calf Booking App … Gallagher Innovative Farming Award winner:    Maatua Hou Ltd Finalists: • Mt Linton Station • Sam & Sarah Jonston … Silver Fern farms Market Leader Award:   Coastal Lamb Ltd Finalists: • Middlehurst …