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    … for winter allows you to winter animals in a way that ensures the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained and environmental risks are mitigated. … When planning for winter, careful thought needs to be given to: 1. … how best to feed your crop, here are some factors to consider: Feed planning  – how many animals will this crop feed and for how long. Consider using the B+LNZ FeedSmart app. This app brings together a raft of variables to give farmers instant information on: the nutritional requirements of different classes of livestock, feed values and feed allocation. This app is especially helpful to estimate the feed requirements for sheep and cattle at any time of …
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    … is proper fuel type for the equipment. Maintain control of the fuel filler pipe nozzle. Fuel tanks should not overflow and no fuel should be spilled. Ensure nozzle is empty prior to removing nozzle from tank. Ensure cap is properly tightened …
  • … five-year project to study the lifetime ewe efficiency. … This project has two aims: 1) To demonstrate that both single and twin ewe lambs born to ewe hoggets can be bred as ewe lambs and their lifetime performance is not compromised.  2) To determine if ewe lambs grown to heavy pre-mating weights achieve a heavier mature weight and any effect on ewe efficiency are discovered.  Background Mating ewe lambs is now an accepted practice for over 30% of …
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    … Rural Fire authority to see if there is a Fire Ban in place or if a Burn Plan is required Check Emergency Response Plan and maintain on person during burn Maintain a minimum distance of 50 meters between fire and other combustible material, including power lines Ensure no strong winds are forecast Ensure any wind is blowing away … When burning multiple piles or windrows, start at the downwind end Monitor the fire. If it gets out of control call 111 and follow Emergency Management Plan What should you do after the fire is out? Check burnt area to ensure it is cold Turn …
  • … Kellogg Rural Leadership programme is a modern delivery platform designed to expand scholars’ ‘contextual intelligence’ and the critical thinking required for effective leadership. … The Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme has been developing leaders for the rural and agri-food sector since 1979.  … The six-month course includes 18 days of programmed content delivered in three residential-based phases and course project report between Phase One and Phase Three.  Find out more about the course format and the topics covered …
  • … programme is currently under review. How does it work? Community groups identify key issues impacting local production and farm performance and select a farmer and facilitator. The group then develops and implements a business plan and 3-4 year monitoring plan. Local agribusiness …
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    … Some soil – or sediment – in a stream is natural. But, if sediment levels get too high, it can disrupt ecosystems and kill freshwater species. It’s also a major source of phosphorus, because phosphate sticks to soil particles. … Where … a natural process, but – by removing most of New Zealand’s original forest cover – we have exposed soil to the elements and accelerated this natural process.  Pasture produces two-to-five times more sediment than an equivalent area of forest. Sheep and beef farming can be a reasonably high contributor of sediment to New Zealand waterways through erosion of steep …
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    … This page provides information on preparing for and responding to snow weather bombs, including factsheets and links to websites and organisations that can provide you with support. … Key contacts after an adverse event Support services Beef + Lamb …
  • … Considering your training options for a career in the sheep and beef industry? Young people who have trained at a cadet farm are highly sought after by employers. … Places at cadet … well worth trying for a place. If you get accepted to a cadet farm, you'll go through a structured training programme and come out a well-rounded employee, ready for work in the sheep and beef industry. What are the options? Growing Future Farmers Growing Future Farmers is a two-year programme combines a …
  • … aimed to understand how to better manage tagasaste (commonly known as tree lucerne) on-farm in the Hawkes’ Bay region and Taupō. … Field trials were carried out at three sites to assess the following: Seed germination and establishment of tagasaste. Forage production and nutritive value of tagasaste. Weed risk assessment for tagastaste. Production of grass and legume pasture species …