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Displaying 621 - 630 results of 652
  • … to assist that use and access.   4.2 You agree that we may use Data inputted by you for the purposes of providing farm benchmarking and supporting services on the Knowledge Hub and you agree that we may disclose Data in aggregate form on the Knowledge Hub for the purpose of providing farm benchmarking and supporting services. 5. Intellectual Property 5.1 Nothing in these terms grants you any right, title …
  • Ballance Science & Research Award winner:   Lincoln University Dryland Pastures Research Group Finalists: • AgResearch Parasite Team • Strategic Winter Grazing Research Team … Datamars Livestock Technology Award winner:   Farmax Ltd Finalists: • Knode • Silver Fern Farms – Calf Booking App … Gallagher Innovative Farming Award winner:    Maatua Hou Ltd Finalists: • Mt Linton Station • Sam & Sarah Jonston … Silver Fern farms Market Leader Award:   Coastal Lamb Ltd Finalists: • Middlehurst …
  • … less risk of soil loss. Benefit for farmers This project has provided insights from farmers using this technology on-farm and has determined key factors that need to be considered for the successful application of helicropping. B+LNZ … – “ Helicropping – the role of nitrogen and phosphorus in forage cropping with aerial no-tillage ”. Resources Maungahau Farm case study Webinar series: Fill that Gap Part 1 – Catch/Cover cropping . Fill that Gap Part 2 – Establishment from …
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    Farmers whose intensive winter grazing practices do not meet the permitted activity criteria need to apply to their Regional Council for a resource consent by 1 May 2023. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different way. This table gives farmers links to the information they need for their specific region as well as contact details. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different …
  • Farmers warned to expect processing delays …
    meat processing
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    Meet the ‘other’ critters that might be freeloading in your stock! Tapeworm is a mostly harmless parasite of young lambs. Lungworm is most common in young calves and can cause serious disease if left unchecked. Liver fluke can be a cause of ill thrift on some farms. Learn about these worms and their management here. … **WARNING: CONTENT MAY OFFEND  … Tapeworm, liver fluke and …
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    … prefer face to face guidance on these or other environmental issues, you can attend one of B+LNZ's Forage Cropping or Farm Plan workshops. View the B+LNZ Events Calendar for upcoming dates. Why focus on wintering is important with Olivia …
  • … feed use, which ultimately translates into profit. Farmers will have the opportunity to ask questions specific to their farm and hear from others. FeedSmart This workshop teaches participants to assess the quality of feed and estimate its …
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    … response. RAG is made up of members from B+LNZ, Rural Support Trust, DairyNZ, Federated Farmers, Fonterra and MPI On Farm Support.  While welfare of farmers and their families, and also animal welfare, is rightly top of mind, we’re also … ensure farmers’ voices are heard and activities in their region are targeted to the right places so they can get on and farm. We know some farmers are already in recovery mode –  here are our flood resources . When the response moves into the …
  • Archive of Annual Reports … This page contains governance and reporting information.  … Remit policies and guidelines  A proposed remit is a statement submitted for consideration which seeks changes to policy or is a matter of major interest or concern for sheep and beef producers.  If you want to propose a remit, you should read the following documents before completing the remit form.   … Annual reports Our annual report is published in February and reports on the previous financial year, …