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Displaying 611 - 620 results of 624
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    Direct contact between a healthy animal and an infected animal is the most common way for pests and diseases to spread, therefore managing livestock movements and the introduction of new animals is particularly important. … NAIT and traceability The National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) scheme links people, property and livestock in New Zealand. The scheme provides traceability for individual animals, enhancing New Zealand's ability to respond quickly if there is a biosecurity …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating plant and machinery on the farm. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Operator must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. Operator must have sufficient weight, limb size, skill and judgement to control the equipment being used. What equipment do you need? Personal Protective Equipment is to be worn as required by equipment operator instructions First aid kit General Procedure When …
  • … beast mouth cattle beast mouth cattle beast hoof sheep foot sheep mouth (severe case) sheep mouth (mild/moderate case) B+LNZ’s role The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is leading NZ’s preparedness for a potential FMD outbreak. B+LNZ is working closely with MPI to ensure every practical step is taken to prevent FMD entering the country. MPI has …
  • … we’ve also had numerous meetings with the Climate Change Commission, academics and officials about these issues.  B+LNZ calls for critical changes in methane approach in Zero Carbon Bill (May 2019) Beef + Lamb New Zealand will continue to … villains – article in NZ Herald (October 2021) Beef + Lamb New Zealand reacts to Global Methane Pledge (November 2021)  B+LNZ says split gas approach key to climate targets (November 2021)  Explainer: metrics in B+LNZ’s GHG Calculator …
  • B+LNZ is funded and directed by farmers via commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New … levy was proposed (from 70 cents per head to 75 cents per head). Following the conclusion of the consultation, B+LNZ’s Board decided to proceed with the sheepmeat levy increase which takes effect 1 October 2021. This was based on the …
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    … the key assessments from the Stream Health Check. … Find out more Further details on all of these can be found in the B+LNZ Freshwater Ecosystem Health Chapter of our Farm Plan. … Dr. Death discusses the importance of freshwater health to …
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    … factsheets are resources that can be downloaded, can be requested in hardcopy and some will also be available at the B+LNZ Trees within Farms at in person workshops. Trees within farms opportunities with carbon (PDF, 868 KB)   Greenhouse gas … tool Trees for Bees website Podcast: ‘Right tree, right place’   Find maps from pre 1 January 1990 on Basemaps Attend a B+LNZ Trees Within Farms Workshop  Visit our Events Calendar to find a workshop near you. Are you keen to know more about …
  • … farmers throughout the process, including vets, consultants, farmers, scientists, financiers and processors, as well as B+LNZ. Monitor farms draw on local expertise, planning and community collaboration to improve farm production and make a big …
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    … faecal pathogens (such as campylobacter) can also be present that might cause illness. Watch Dr Richard Muirhead at the B+LNZ Environment Conference 2017 discussing dung.  … Dung and waterways …
  • … National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (PDF, 818KB) Download Appendix A (PDF, 1.4MB) Download Appendix B (PDF, 524KB) In a nutshell, our submissions say:  B+LNZ supports using a national policy statement as opposed to a national environmental standard because a NPS provides …