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Displaying 571 - 580 results of 652
  • Government’s review long-overdue recognition that the ETS isn’t working …
    image of trees on-farm
  • … their story about what they have done to protect their biodiversity; what the proposed policies would mean on their farm, and specific solutions. Tailored submissions have more impact. Indigenous Biodiversity workshops Throughout February …
  • Road repairs and slash damage among farmers’ main concerns …
    flooded road
  • … for Profit Programme shares information and monitors progress amongst a whole community rather than just an individual farm. … The programmes are based on feedback from the farming community, using field days, seminars and workshops to … coming up with local solutions for local needs, so you have the practical tools you need to help you improve your farm business. Farming for Profit field days See our events calendar for Farming for Profit field days coming up near you. …
  • … project is to inform what influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management, and how a farm system operates with reduced drench. … The aim of this project is to assess different methods of parasite management … project is to inform:   What influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management. How a farm system operates with reduced drench. Background Internal parasites are one of the most important animal health … The stories of how these farmers have reduced drench will be shared to provide other farmers with more on-farm information.  Timeline and investment  This is a 9-month project due for completion in December 2022.  B+LNZ …
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    … The term ‘Refugia’ can be really confusing! The outcome we want is to stop your farm from becoming dominated by drench-resistant worms. Using Refugia means leaving some worms free to breed without … can reproduce without being exposed to drenching.  Keeping a population (or refuge) of drench-susceptible worms on the farm can slow the build-up of parasites resistant (R) to drenches.   Without some worms in Refugia, drench-resistant (R) … who are also resistant.   This means resistant worms make up an increasing proportion of the worm population on the farm. Over time, they become dominant in the population and eventually, drenches fail to work.  Because we still want our …
  • Growing network of women in NZ’s red meat sector …
    women in NZ’s red meat sector
  • … – we work on the ground where needed, run wānanga and hui, and collaborate across the sector, with a strong focus on farm system outcomes that look at all aspects of the whenua.  building understanding of B+LNZ's Māori levypayers – to …
  • … Our workshops for farmers help farmers find solutions for their farm. With topics ranging from Environment Plans to Body Condition Scoring – there is something for everyone. … Workshops …
  • … exciting careers available within sheep and beef farming and the wider red meat sector.  Many people gain work on a farm directly after leaving school. Others choose to study first at a university, polytechnic or a cadet farm. The variety of positions and types of work within, and directly related to sheep and beef farming is huge. … … commitment to supporting, growing, training and retaining people in our sector, we’ve developed this hub to assist farm owners, managers and employees at every stage of their employment journey. Unsure what career you want to take? Check …