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Displaying 551 - 560 results of 652
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    … The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator is a free tool, designed to help farmers measure on-farm GHG emissions and sequestration. Once you’ve done your calculation you can then choose to complete our online action … access these – see below for info). … About B+LNZ’s GHG Calculator You can do a simple calculation using your existing farm area and stock numbers to get started with ‘emissions numbers’. You can also add further information to give you a more complete picture of your farm including sequestration. Knowing your numbers provides a good base of information and helps prepare you for future …
  • 50 GHG workshops in 30 days …
    image of farmer workshop
  • More work needed on Government’s National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity …
    Image of river through Waikato farm.
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    … prefer face to face guidance on these or other environmental issues, you can attend one of B+LNZ's Forage Cropping or Farm Plan workshops. View the B+LNZ Events Calendar for upcoming dates. Top Tips for Winter Crop Paddock Selection (PDF, …
  • … popular Indonesian tourist destinations including Bali. Don’t allow visitors who have been on farms or in contact with farm animals while overseas in countries that have FMD onto your farm for at least a week after their arrival in New Zealand. Ensure stringent on-farm biosecurity protocols are in place and adhered to. All animal movement records and animal health declarations must be …
  • Why we should be cautious about some red meat consumption research …
    red meat being served
  • Detailed analysis of Government’s agricultural emissions pricing proposal reveals significant flaws and impacts as sheep and beef farmers are urged to have their say …
  • … Behaviour and Welfare Consultative Committee Is an active partner in MAF’s National Animal Welfare Compliance Plan and Farm to Processor Welfare Forum Provides technical and policy advice to farmers, industry, regulators and other …
  • … All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the … positive impact on the sector and/or their local community. This may be through involvement in the community and/or on-farm with new ideas and initiatives. Individual entries or nominations are welcome. The recipient of this award will be … already demonstrating future leadership potential. Already impacting through new ideas, influencing others, improving farm productivity, profitability or business diversity, the individual will show the potential to continue to impact in …
  • … monthly) that shows anonymised spore counts across the country. We also ask farmers to provide data about their farm, the sheep involved, and how they currently manage FE. This information will help identify risk factors to better …