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Displaying 511 - 520 results of 652
  • Planning ahead for winter grazing …
    image of winter crops
  • Factsheet
    Artificial lamb rearing - managing abomasal bloat …
  • Study examines feasibility of retaining lambs from hoggets as replacements …
  • … with other farms of your type, and regionally and nationally, using information sourced from B+LNZ’s Sheep & Beef Farm Survey.  … Sheep calendar   Key sheep-producing activities across the year, to help you manage ewes effectively and keep your team updated.   … Benchmarking tool  Find out the key performance indicators for farm classes in your region and see how you compare, using information sourced from B+LNZ’s Sheep & Beef Farm Survey.  … Meat export tool  Build your understanding of the markets for, and trends in, NZ’s meat exports.   … Meat …
  • Public backs carbon farming limits as report shows soaring sales …
  • … was released in April 2020.   The release of new national policies (national stock exclusion regulations, Freshwater Farm Plan regulations, National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management [NPSFM] and National Environmental Standards … version by ensuring that a permitted activity pathway is secured for extensive sheep and beef farms through minimum farm standards and farm plans.   The Plan requires those farming activities of a certain intensity to obtain resource consent, with farm
  • B+LNZ demands pause on biodiversity proposals and a review into impact of environmental rules on primary sector …
    trees and pine
  • Mental health support and resources available …
    image of two farmers on-farm
  • … four elements of the essential freshwater work programme – changes to the low-slope map for stock exclusion, freshwater farm plans, changes to the intensive winter grazing rules and wetlands.  See here for more information including our … We prepared factsheets and template submissions, including the following WORD templates: Essential Freshwater Farm Submission template (WORD, 181KB) Blank Essential Freshwater Farm Submission template (WORD, 168KB) … Essential Freshwater consultation …
  • … and pork. Materials – wool compared with cotton. Grains – soy, wheat and corn as crops for both human and animal feed. Farm inputs – phosphate, urea and crude oil as key inputs in fertiliser and fuel use. … International red meat indicators …