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Displaying 51 - 60 results of 134
  • Autumn ill thrift webinar …
    sheep in clover
  • Taste Pure Nature Chinese social media channel doubles followers in May …
    image of cell phone and wechat app
  • Podcast
    Breakfeed: A growing interest in beef and sheepmeat in China, in the wake of COVID-19 …
    meat processing
  • Discussion at 2023 B+LNZ annual meeting robust and wide-ranging …
    image of annual meeting panel
  • Video
    Red Meat: facing the challenges of the post-truth era by Frederic Leroy …
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    Drench resistance is evolution in action (remember Darwin?). Here we examine the risk factors for developing drench resistance on your farm. We also show you what you can do to assess your own situation. … 'Drench resistance' is present on a farm when there are a measurable number of worms surviving in the animals after treatment with anthelmintics. You can test for it with simple 'drench checks' or a more detailed faecal egg count reduction test. Management practices that improve nutrition to …
  • Farmer advisory group explores sheep research …
    image of Frag field day at Rotorua
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    The term ‘Refugia’ can be really confusing! The outcome we want is to stop your farm from becoming dominated by drench-resistant worms. Using Refugia means leaving some worms free to breed without ‘screening’ by drench. There are various ways to achieve this.  … What is Refugia? The term Refugia means a worm population that can reproduce without being exposed to drenching.  Keeping a population (or refuge) of drench-susceptible worms on the farm can slow the build-up of parasites resistant (R) …
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    Dung – particularly in water – is bad news. Faecal bacteria and pathogens can cause disease in people. Faecal contamination is monitored using E. coli (Escherichia coli) as an “indicator” organism. E. coli is a type of bacteria commonly found in the guts of warm-blooded mammals (including people) and birds. … Where does excess E. coli in our waterways come from? Common sources of E. coli bacteria include untreated human wastewater discharges, storm water run-off and animal waste. Faecal …
  • Video
    B+ LNZ Catchment Groups E-Forum – Telling the story. Part 3 – Q&A …