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Displaying 461 - 470 results of 476
  • The aim of this project is to assess different methods of parasite management communication with farmers and vets for their usefulness, reach, impact, and associated behaviour change. … Background  Drench resistance is an increasing issue in New Zealand. Farmers need to have access to the most up to date information so informed decisions can be made for parasite management with the aim of preventing or reversing drench resistance on their farms. To do this, the information needs to be …
  • A list of various papers on alternative options for worm control can be found at the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control. A good local review is provided on Deer Industry New Zealand’s Deer Hub website (pages 63–74).  … A range of different ‘natural’ products, herbs and minerals are sometimes advocated as treatments or preventives for worm infections in livestock. This page is by no means a complete list. But here we review some commonly mentioned ones, and available …
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    … selective treatment (TST)  What is it? Parasite infections in young animals can cause reduced appetite and reduced feed conversion efficiency.  Not all animals in a mob are affected to the same degree - some will be growing fine while … been chosen and adhered to throughout.  In real life, you can vary your liveweight gain cutoff up and down depending on feed conditions and other factors so that your animals hit their targets. TST is v ery flexible – you can start whenever …
  • A new blueprint to lift the environmental performance of New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector has been unveiled by Beef + Lamb New Zealand. … The Environment Strategy lays out a progressive long-term vision for the sector based around four priority areas – healthy productive soils, thriving biodiversity, reducing carbon emissions and cleaner water. As part of the plan, B+LNZ has identified two key goals – every sheep and beef farm having a tailored and active environment plan by the end of 2021, …
  • These terms and conditions set out how an entry may be made in the Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) Awards Giveaway by B+LNZ and in partnership with B+LNZ Awards Sponsors. … The giveaway is shared through Farmers Weekly, B+LNZ’s social media channels and B+LNZ’s weekly e-newsletter (e-diaries). This giveaway is to highlight the B+LNZ Awards Dinner that will take place on 19 October 2023. The promoter and organiser of the Giveaway is B+LNZ and is supported by B+LNZ Awards Sponsors. Eligibility …
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    If only we didn’t have to collect poo, but we do!!! Faecal egg counts can be done on individual samples or on a bulk sample (composite samples). Learn about when you might use one or the other. … A faecal egg count (FEC) is a measure of the number of egg-laying adult worms in an animal’s gut. It mostly doesn’t show what species of worms are there.   Faecal egg counts can be used to help assess:  Whether sick sheep or young cattle are sick because of worms. How quickly young animals are becoming …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating tractors. All operators must refer to the operator’s manual prior to operating the tractor. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Operator must be a minimum of 15 years old, unless they are 13 years or older and: Are fully trained in using the tractor and any implements attached to it Are in a safe position on the tractor or implement Are the only child on the tractor Operator must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by …
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    … Beef breeding with most calves sold at weaning … Beef breeding with 1Y cattle finishing on same feed platform … Finishing system purchasing cow-reared weaners … Finishing system purchasing 1Y+ animals … Finishing …
  • Award judging All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the entry/nomination form. If applicable, we also encourage you to submit supporting data. Please ensure to notify your nominee that you have put them forward for an award.  A follow up call will be made with all  nominated  entrants to validate and get …
  • The Government has finished its consultations on four elements of the essential freshwater work programme – changes to the low-slope map for stock exclusion, freshwater farm plans, changes to the intensive winter grazing rules and wetlands.  See here for more information including our factsheets and submissions . Essential freshwater rules released: update August 2020 On 5 August 2020 the Government released the freshwater policy, standards and stock exclusion regulations relating to this …