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Displaying 451 - 460 results of 536
  • … in the South Island. Terms are for three years, and elections are rotated. Two directors are appointed from the meat industry and an independent director, as well as an associate director also sits on the board. If there are no …
  • The B+LNZ Regional Team are most farmers’ first point of contact. Find out who your local Extension Manager is here  (PDF, 568 KB). Find out who your local Economic Service Manager is here (PDF,  391KB). For general B+LNZ contact details see the Contact Us page . Key contacts at B+LNZ Genetics: Beef Genetics Operations Specialist: Sheep Genetics Operations Specialist: … Meet our Extension Team … Meet our Economic Service Team … …
  • … history, our name and the relationship with our domestic marketing arm. … Our history In 2010 we changed our name from Meat and Wool New Zealand to Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd to reflect our new way of doing business as a meat-only organisation. We share our name and brand with Beef + Lamb New Zealand Inc, which is responsible for promoting … beef and lamb at home, in the New Zealand market. Domestic promotion is jointly funded by farmer levies and New Zealand meat processors and retailers. Whilst we operate as separate entities, sharing our name aligns our work more closely. Our …
  • … effective leadership. … The Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme has been developing leaders for the rural and agri-food sector since 1979.  … The six-month course includes 18 days of programmed content delivered in three residential-based …
  • This project investigated the potential effect of long-acting drench products on the rumen microbiome, the effect of parasites on ewe growth, Body Condition Score and fecundity over the summer-autumn period. … This project investigated the following: the potential effect of long-acting drench products on the rumen microbiome. This was done using 300 ewes in total that were given one of three different treatments (long-acting drench product, controlled release capsule and untreated control). The …
  • … Training our people is a high priority for us and as well as our own initiatives, we work in collaboration with other sector organisations to attract, train and retain the talent we need to drive our sector forward.  … Learn about opportunities for on-farm training or leadership programmes B+LNZ supports below.  … …
  • Partnerships proving successful for Taste Pure Nature in the US …
    Image of Billboard
  • The aim of this project was to develop an udder scoring system associated with udder health, lamb survival and lamb growth rates and can accurately be used by farmers. … To do this, the following was investigated: recognise and describe the range of udder and teat defects found in commercially-farmed ewes factors associated with clinical and subclinical mastitis in ewes the impact of udder and teat defects and udder health on lamb survival and pre-weaning live weight gain. Background Lambing …
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    Agricultural compounds are chemicals – including veterinary medicines – used to improve the quantity and quality of produce and slow down the rate at which it spoils. … Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVMs) are used in the production of primary produce (farmed plants or animals), by home gardeners and for the health of domestic animals such as cats and dogs. The registration and levels of usage of chemicals in primary production is closely monitored by the Ministry for Primary …
  • Catchment leaders’ advice for maintaining momentum …
    Catching river