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Displaying 411 - 420 results of 536
  • Celebrating Rob Davison's 50th anniversary …
    Rob Davison
  • Keep an eye out for Beef + Lamb New Zealand Annual Meeting voting packs …
    image of mail box infront of farm
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    The more you know about how worms live and breed, the easier it is to mitigate the harm they cause. Here we look at the stages of the worm life cycle – there are ways our management can interrupt this cycle to reduce worm challenge to susceptible stock.  … Animals eat worm larvae with pasture. Larvae like to live close to the base of the pasture, in moisture and away from sunlight. After a larva is eaten, its takes about 21 days to become an adult worm that can lay eggs and continue the cycle. …
  • Factsheet
    Artificial lamb rearing - managing abomasal bloat …
  • In May–June 2022 the Government consulted on a draft National adaptation plan. … This plan sets out what the Government intends to do over the next five years to prepare New Zealanders for the impacts of climate change such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. We were strongly aligned with DairyNZ in our views and asked the Government to work with us further to prepare farmers with practical tools and solutions. Read our submission (PDF, 508KB) Find out more If you have any …
  • Unlocking the secrets of fat bottomed cows – and other burning questions …
    Angus cattle in Rangitaiki
  • … clover, delivering profitability gains to New Zealand farmers and creating a more resilient and sustainable pastoral sector. PG+ Pastoral Genomics’ latest research proposal is called PG+ and focuses on genomic selection in commercial …
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    … Once credits are allocated, farmers can choose to sell these to buyers in carbon markets or use them to market their meat products. However, carbon removals are only one of the benefits that these areas provide on farm.  Resources  The … principal forestry advisor.   “Te Uru Rākau works with tangata whenua, landowners, and the forestry and wood processing sector. We work to make the most of our forests’ contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand’s social, cultural, environmental, …
  • … biosecurity, which was stringent by world standards – these include: Travellers are no longer permitted to bring in any meat products from Indonesia. Biosecurity New Zealand has stepped up its work at the border. Every passenger arrival card …
  • … as well.  Benefit to farmers/industry This pilot study will deliver benefits to B+LNZ and New Zealand’s livestock sector by beginning to systematically research the social and psychological impacts of FE. Through in-depth interviews …