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    Dung – particularly in water – is bad news. Faecal bacteria and pathogens can cause disease in people. Faecal contamination is monitored using E. coli (Escherichia coli) as an “indicator” organism. E. coli is a type of bacteria commonly found in the guts of warm-blooded mammals (including people) and birds. … Where does excess E. coli in our waterways come from? Common sources of E. coli bacteria include untreated human wastewater discharges, storm water run-off and animal waste. Faecal …
  • Reminder about docking/tailing rules …
    image of staff docking sheep in the yards
  • This page contains useful information about the Government’s discussion document on the Emissions Reduction Plan, which will outline how the reductions required in the Climate Change Response Act will be met in the short term. … The Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan consultation – information for farmers The Government has finished consulting on the Emissions Reduction Plan. You can find B+LNZ’s submission below. Also on this page is the guidance we provided to farmers for making their own …
  • This project investigated the potential effect of long-acting drench products on the rumen microbiome, the effect of parasites on ewe growth, Body Condition Score and fecundity over the summer-autumn period. … This project investigated the following: the potential effect of long-acting drench products on the rumen microbiome. This was done using 300 ewes in total that were given one of three different treatments (long-acting drench product, controlled release capsule and untreated control). The …
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    Freshwater ecosystem health includes a waterway’s aquatic life, physical habitat, water quality and water flow patterns. This helps determine the overall state of the freshwater system. There are a range of indicators of ecosystem health in a waterway which include stream life, water quality and habitat. … There are a range of methods for assessing ecosystem health and quality of waterways. It can be valuable to do some checking yourself as well as engage a specialist to help with these …
  • Informing New Zealand Beef’s Progeny Test enters its third year …
    image of cow herd
  • Unlocking the secrets of fat bottomed cows – and other burning questions …
    Angus cattle in Rangitaiki
  • Trial highlights benefits of using genetic tools …
  • … consultants, farmers, scientists, financiers and processors, as well as B+LNZ. Monitor farms draw on local expertise, planning and community collaboration to improve farm production and make a big difference to profits. Success on a single …
  • Video explains benefits of pasture-raised red meat vs alternative proteins …
    image of pasture raised advantage branded banner