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Displaying 371 - 380 results of 651
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    … bovis from New Zealand. The outbreak of M. bovis and the phased eradication programme underscores the importance of on-farm biosecurity. This information resource aims to help you understand what the phased eradication programme means for your farm business, support you to review your general farm biosecurity, and provide relevant information about M. bovis . … … We were one of the last countries free of the disease - until now it does not infect humans and presents no food safety risk. There is no concern about eating meat, milk and milk products M. bovis is particularly difficult to detect, …
  • Summary of what you told us during agriculture emissions pricing options roadshow …
    trees on farm
  • Podcast
    Break Feed: Thriving Farming Women, with Loshni Manikam …
    thriving women logo
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    … practices Check the health status of stock before purchasing. e.g. the results of TB or Johne’s disease tests and farm of origin history. Only buy livestock from suppliers who can provide information about veterinary treatments and the … water. Newly arrived sheep should be routinely given an appropriate quarantine drench. This would be best given on the farm of origin but in many cases will have to be given on arrival. On release from quarantine pens, monitor new stock in … (see below) on movement recording for cattle and deer to enable tracing of the source of exotic diseases or food safety contaminants. … Livestock movement …
  • External resource
    Velvetleaf Ute Guide …
  • New Zealand beef and lamb among the most carbon efficient in world …
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    … To help farmers document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has rolled out the Forage Cropping module of the B+LNZ Farm Plan. A key outcome of this, is the documenting of actions to protect critical source areas and minimise … document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has fast tracked the roll out of the Forage Cropping chapter of their Farm Plan. A key outcome of this, is the documenting of actions to protect critical source areas and minimise … of negative impacts on the environment. In this workshop you’ll work through the ‘Forage Cropping’ module of B+LNZ’s Farm Plan: Environment Module. It covers planning and management to avoid and mitigate the negative effects of winter …
  • Video
    Dennis and Rachelle O'Callaghan: Temataa Station, Kaitaia …
  • Video
    Forage use high performance sheep system …
  • Video
    Protecting our soils …