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Displaying 311 - 320 results of 390
  • We are exploring the use of a farm systems optimisation model to improve parasite management in sheep and cattle while reducing drench resistance. If successful, this model could provide farmers with a strategic tool to evaluate different management strategies. … Background Beef + Lamb New Zealand is investigating whether the PRISYM model can help us design better farm systems to tackle internal parasites in sheep and beef cattle, while also reducing the risk of drench resistance. This …
  • Find out how New Zealand’s sheep and beef farms are expected to perform this year – and how they’ve performed in the past. Farm management performance indicators are summarised by farm, hectare, stock unit, region, and farm class. They include balance sheet analysis. For comparison purposes, the spreadsheets include 10 years of sheep and beef farm data including the latest forecast. For quintile analysis, go to  Benchmark your farm . To benchmark the profitability of your own farm, try BLNZ’s …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating plant and machinery on the farm. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Operator must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. Operator must have sufficient weight, limb size, skill and judgement to control the equipment being used. What equipment do you need? Personal Protective Equipment is to be worn as required by equipment operator instructions First aid kit General Procedure When …
  • Get ready for an exhilarating experience at the Southern (Waimumu) and Central District (Feilding) Field Days, brought to you by NZ Young Farmers and Beef + Lamb New Zealand. … B+LNZ’s Food & Fibre Challenge is an interactive way of highlighting the many opportunities and careers within the primary sector to school leavers.  … The first Food & Fibre challenge was at the 2020 Southern Field Days in Waimumu. Since then, it’s popped up across the country and has had over 600 students completed the …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand is a partner in the M. bovis eradication programme alongside the Ministry for Primary Industries and DairyNZ. … Disease management agency OSPRI took over managing the day-to-day delivery of the programme from 1 November 2023. This includes: regular testing of milk and animals to detect any bovis infection managing any active or newly-detected properties depopulation and site cleaning of any affected properties farmer support. Future surveillance While the eradication …
  • Every six years, farmers vote on whether they want B+LNZ to continue to exist, funded by compulsory levies on sheepmeat and beef (including dairy-beef). … Referendums are held as required under the Commodity Levies Act 1990.   The next referendum must be held no later than the 2027 year with the current Commodities Levies Meat Order 2021 expiring in December 2027.   All livestock farmers on B+LNZ’s electoral roll will be provided with information:  outlining the constitutional information, …
  • This project will evaluate a range of catch crop species and establishment techniques to reduce sediment and surface flow losses following the winter grazing of forage crops.  Trials will be carried out on hill country in the Hawkes Bay and Horizons regions, but the systems developed will provide spill-over benefits to all farming regions and terrains nationally.   … This project will provide a detailed understanding of the value of catch-crops, both economically and environmentally, by …
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    Following an earthquake, the following information may assist in managing potential risks on your farm. Information provided includes emergency updates, coping with stress, animal welfare and financial support. … For farmers requiring support with unstable land and tracks, please call Federated Farmers' helpline on 0800 327 646. The below information may assist in managing potential risks on your farm. Emergency updates FarmsOnLine:  Visit FarmsOnLine  for a one-stop-shop for accurate …
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    This page contains the latest information about Cyclone Gabrielle including ways to help other farmers and B+LNZ’s work in the space. … Resources to help Adverse event management  (PDF, 44.2 KB) Recovering from a flood  (PDF, 2MB) Livestock health after flooding (PDF, 2.4 MB) 2023 Cyclone Gabrielle recovery (PDF, 1MB) B+LNZ’s work to help impacted farmers B+LNZ knows this is a really tough time and want to assure farmers we’re here for you. Currently, this is a Civil Defence-led process and …
  • The Ministry for Primary Industries released Phase 1 of a national policy statement for soils in August this year which addresses the management of versatile soils. This NPS has been called the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land. … The Government has proposed a NPS-HPL to prevent the loss of more of our productive land and promote its sustainable management.  Phase 1 of the NPS-HPL looks at protecting and managing versatile soils in the face of urban growth. Phase 2 will look …