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Displaying 301 - 310 results of 476
  • … accurate, independent information to help farmers, meat processors, consultants and other organisations with their planning. Below you’ll find data and tools you can use to make farming business decisions – from export statistics to …
  • Preparing rams for mating …
    image of rams
  • Carbon workshops a big hit with farmers …
    image of workshop participants
  • Factsheet
    Energy requirements of cattle …
  • Flood support …
  • … on the low-slope map changes . Freshwater farm plans  The Government consulted on proposals for how freshwater farm planning could become operational across New Zealand. A discussion document set out how a freshwater farm plan could be … aligns with many of B+LNZ’s positions and advocacy work aimed at providing practical solutions within the farm planning space, the content is relatively high-level and the devil is always in the detail. We need to see the detailed … (especially the detail of what goes in a freshwater farm plan) suggested that farmers think about what freshwater farm planning would look like from their perspective if all the preferred steps outlined were implemented were particularly …
  • Podcast
    Peter Young: More profit from sheep …
  • Page
    … your staff to set a plan to reach specific goals and meet targets. … Below are some resources to help with your staff planning. Staff Planning (PDF, 1.73MB) Business Planning Learning Module Business Plan example  (PDF, 85.2KB) Editable Business Plan template (PDF, 82KB) DairyNZ provides …
  • Embracing change at B+LNZ Manawatū F4P Field Day 2024 …
    image of field day in Manawhtu
  • Future-proofing hill country farming …
    Jacqui and Dan Cottrell