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Displaying 31 - 40 results of 106
  • Podcast
    Craig Hickson and Mike Petersen: The New Zealand Red Meat Industry …
  • Editable PDF
    Earthquake registration form for volunteers …
  • Q&A with Northland farm intern Ellee …
    image of girl on quad
  • Editable PDF
    Earthquake checklist for organisers of volunteers …
  • Page
    An HGP is any veterinary medicine containing either natural or synthetic hormones sold for the purpose of increasing muscle tone, growth rate, weight gain or feed efficiency of animals. … The use of HGPs is not permitted in sheep in New Zealand and fewer than 1% of New Zealand beef cattle are treated with HGPs. Use of HGPs is strictly controlled to protect New Zealand’s international trade in meat products. While international standards setting organisations and many markets, such as the USA …
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    … within calling distance What equipment do you need? All personal protective equipment should be to a recognised AS/NZ safety standard, maintained and replaced when necessary Steel capped safety boots with firm ankle support (AS/NZS 2210.1:2009). Safety trousers or chaps (AS/NZS 443.3:1997) Hi Visibility Safety Helmet (ATV–NZS 8600:2002 or AS/NZS 1801:1997) with …
  • B+LNZ backs 'Half Arsed Stops Here' campaign, Farm Without Harm strategy and industry pledge …
    image of CE Sam McIvor signing pledge
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    Grazing vineyards with sheep … MPI advises graziers, farmers and vineyard owners and operators to withhold sheep intended for market for six months. Find out more Click through to the MPI website to read their recommendations regarding the use of sheep for leaf-plucking in vineyards . … Grazing vineyards with …
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    Agricultural compounds are chemicals – including veterinary medicines – used to improve the quantity and quality of produce and slow down the rate at which it spoils. … Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVMs) are used in the production of primary produce (farmed plants or animals), by home gardeners and for the health of domestic animals such as cats and dogs. The registration and levels of usage of chemicals in primary production is closely monitored by the Ministry for Primary …
  • Podcast
    Farmers talk about the ways they farm in the face of drench resistance …
    drenching ewes