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Displaying 271 - 280 results of 334
  • … perceptive and community-minded individuals from backgrounds ranging from farming, industry bodies, catchment groups, agricultural research, food and fibre innovations hubs. … The Nuffield New Zealand Farming Scholarship is one of … perceptive and community-minded individuals from backgrounds ranging from farming, industry bodies, catchment groups, agricultural research, food and fibre innovations hubs.  Find out more on the Rural Leaders’ website .  B+LNZ is a …
  • The Soil your Undies Otago research programme aimed to understand and measure the health of rural soils by burying cotton. … B+LNZ is a partner in the Soil your Undies Otago research programme which aims to understand and measure the health of rural soils using simple biological indicators (earthworms, dung beetles and cotton undies) to build a map of soil health for the area. The research programme will inform the schools and communities of their soils’ health and also provide a basis for …
  • New Zealand scientists are conducting a ground-breaking research programme to explore the benefits of eating pasture-raised beef and lamb. … This study is led by Meat Industry Association Innovation Ltd (MIA Innovation) and jointly funded by Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd (B+LNZ), the High Value Nutrition National Science Challenge and New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Research Partnership Fund. For all the details on this project visit the website: …
  • This project measured the concentrations of ivermectin (a macrocyclic lactone) reaching target cattle tissues (abomasum and small intestine) and the target parasites ( Ostertagia  and  Cooperia ) when given to cattle orally, by injection or pour-on.  … Background While it is known that different routes of drench administration can result in variable efficacy against some parasite species it is not understood why this occurs or why different organs appear different. Despite evidence that pour-on …
  • Podcast
    Good management practice for winter grazing: Ross Monaghan, Soil Scientist, AgResearch …
    Paddock Selection
  • Factsheet
    Early weaning …
  • Catchment work celebrated by farmers, iwi and rural professionals …
    image of catchment forum
  • AWDT is a critical partner to New Zealand's primary industries, its programmes developing the skills, capability and confidence of women. … The Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT) runs leadership programmes that aim to increase the pool of women with the skills and capability to govern and lead agricultural organisations. … Women play key roles in New Zealand farming partnerships and bring a wide range of skills to decision-making situations – but they hold just 6% of governance roles in the …
  • The Department of Conservation (DOC) is leading the development of a new biodiversity strategy. A consultation on the proposed strategy closed 22 September 2019. … New Zealand’s last biodiversity strategy laid out actions to protect our nature until the end of 2019. The new strategy will set a vision and guide our biodiversity work for the next 50 years. DOC held a public consultation on Te Koiroa o te Koiora from 5 August until 22 September 2019. Beef + Lamb New Zealand's feedback on the …
  • Considering your training options for a career in the sheep and beef industry? Young people who have trained at a cadet farm are highly sought after by employers. … Places at cadet farms are hotly contested, but it's well worth trying for a place. If you get accepted to a cadet farm, you'll go through a structured training programme and come out a well-rounded employee, ready for work in the sheep and beef industry. What are the options? Growing Future Farmers Growing Future Farmers is a …