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Displaying 151 - 160 results of 175
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working in the farm workshop. All workers must follow this procedure and be familiar with the safe use of the equipment in question. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Operator must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace Operator must have sufficient weight, limb size, skill and judgement to control the equipment being used What equipment do you need? Personal Protective Equipment appropriate …
  • Award judging All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the entry/nomination form. If applicable, we also encourage you to submit supporting data. Please ensure to notify your nominee that you have put them forward for an award.  A follow up call will be made with all  nominated  entrants to validate and get …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Farmer Councils are a key sounding board for the organisation. They represent farmers and provide B+LNZ with advice to guide decision making and help communicate with farmers. … The chairs and deputy chairs of regional farmer councils form the National Farmer Council Executive. Find out who is on the National Farmer Council Executive from your region below. To contact them, go through your local B+LNZ Extension Manager –  details here  (PDF, 568 KB). … More about our …
  • Informing New Zealand Beef (INZB) is a future focused seven-year programme (2021–2027) designed to generate more income for beef producers and the economy while protecting the environment. … Building on skills and knowledge that already exist in New Zealand – courtesy of our world-leading sheep genetic evaluation and previous work such as the B+LNZ Genetics Beef Progeny Test – this is the industry’s response to evolving consumer expectations around food quality and how it is produced. INZB will …
  • Study identifies ewe wastage numbers …
    ewe lambs
  • Our collaboration-based workshops can help you understand and achieve positive environmental actions and outcomes. … Workshops we currently offer … GHG Calculator and action plan workshop Farmers leave this three hour workshop with an understanding of where domestic climate policy is landing, their own properties’ greenhouse gas emissions numbers, and a GHG Action Plan – i.e. having contributed to the sector meeting the He Waka Eke Noa 2021 and 2022 requirements. Trees within Farms This …
  • AWDT is a critical partner to New Zealand's primary industries, its programmes developing the skills, capability and confidence of women. … The Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT) runs leadership programmes that aim to increase the pool of women with the skills and capability to govern and lead agricultural organisations. … Women play key roles in New Zealand farming partnerships and bring a wide range of skills to decision-making situations – but they hold just 6% of governance roles in the …
  • The aim of this project is to describe the species of fungi identified in NZ in association with Facial Eczema. … Background Pseudopithomyces chartarum (formerly known as Pithomyces chartarum ) is currently believed to be the sole causal agent of facial eczema (FE) in ruminants. Preliminary analyses of 84 suspected Pse. chartarum isolates from the environment have been carried out by AgResearch and Manaaki Whenua. This analysis indicates that the New Zealand isolates of Pse. chartarum separate …
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    Biodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat. As a general rule - the more diversity, the healthier that environment. … Why is biodiversity important on farm? Biodiversity is a win-win – for you as a farmer and for your property’s ecosystem. Your production platform will produce more if your pasture is healthy, earthworms are active and insects and bees are busy. Most activities that promote biodiversity have other positive spin offs. For instance, …
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    Catch-crops increase the efficiency of the operation by retaining nitrogen in the root zone that farmers would otherwise have waved goodbye to. … Planting a catch crop is a way of reducing the risk of nitrate leaching after winter grazing, where there can be large amounts of residual soil nitrogen that is at risk of leaching. By planting another crop as soon as possible after your final grazing, you can capture those nutrients in the second crop and increase overall feed production from the …