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Displaying 141 - 150 results of 241
  • Factsheet
    White Clover establishment and persistence on hill country …
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    … factors*  800–2,000  High  Treat now  2,000+  Very high  Treat yesterday  … * Feed quality and quantity, sheep age, condition, and other heath challenges. Source: Manawatu Veterinary Services staff training notes 2003. G Dodunski.  What … on other factors*  300–700  High  Treat now  700+  Very high  Treat yesterday  … * Feed quality & quantity, calf age, condition, other heath challenges . Source: Manawatu Veterinary Services staff training notes 2003. G Dodunski.  … …
  • Factsheet
    Health and safety post-flood recovery fact sheet …
  • Study identifies ewe wastage numbers …
    ewe lambs
  • Video
    Draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity Consultation – Roadshow 2020 Presentation …
    image of NZ native bird
  • Factsheet
    Feed management checklist for farmers …
  • Planning for COVID-19 supply chain disruptions …
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    Winter is here. It’s time to think about protecting your paddocks over the coming months. … 9 practical tips around winter grazing: Plan early. When choosing paddocks for next year’s winter feed crop, think about how you can improve your management of critical source areas and waterways. Careful management is needed when winter grazing on steep slopes to reduce environmental losses. Exclude stock from waterways. Create an ungrazed buffer zone between the livestock and the waterway. Ideally, at …
  • Factsheet
    Flood preparation fact sheet …
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    What with? … Learn about when you should administer a quarantine drench, what to use, and importantly – what to do afterwards!  … The ‘why’ of quarantine  The aim of a quarantine drench to bought-in stock is to prevent the importation of multi-drench-resistant worms onto your property.   You probably have worms with some level of drench resistance already – but you want to ensure you don’t make this worse by importing worms with nastier genetics than the ones already there!  Bought-in lambs and …