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Displaying 141 - 150 results of 227
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    … vineyards with sheep … MPI advises graziers, farmers and vineyard owners and operators to withhold sheep intended for market for six months. Find out more Click through to the MPI website to read their recommendations regarding the use of …
  • Find out how we're working to improve access for sheep and beef products to overseas markets. … Trade …
  • ‘Farmer Time for Schools’ bridges gap between students and farm life …
    image of couple and dogs next to ute
  • High inflation and reduced livestock prices could see farm profits fall more than 30% …
    trade containters
  • … least effective and most likely to select for resistant parasites, these products are the most common for the cattle market in New Zealand today. Solid evidence explaining why one route of administration is better or worse than others is …
  • Mental health support and resources available …
    image of two farmers on-farm
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    Farmers whose intensive winter grazing practices do not meet the permitted activity criteria need to apply to their Regional Council for a resource consent by 1 May 2023. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different way. This table gives farmers links to the information they need for their specific region as well as contact details. … Each Regional Council is implementing the intensive winter grazing regulations in a slightly different …
  • Low methane sheep project a game-changer for farmers …
    sheep research
  • … profitability and performance. Your levy goes on targeted programmes that deliver real results – on the farm, in the market, and at the policy table. A key part of our strategic plan involves building a stronger presence in the regions to …
  • … speakers bios and links to further information. B+LNZ Global Trade Update 2020 Essential Freshwater Rules 2020 Global Market & Taste Pure Nature Update 2020 B+LNZ Environment Policy Update 2020 … B+LNZ National Webinar Series …