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Displaying 141 - 150 results of 335
  • Video
    Clover root weevil impacts and management …
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    … Drench resistance is evolution in action (remember Darwin?). Here we examine the risk factors for developing drench resistance on your farm. We also show …
  • Information on the Government’s ETS consultations …
    trees on farm
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    The term ‘Refugia’ can be really confusing! The outcome we want is to stop your farm from becoming dominated by drench-resistant worms. Using Refugia means leaving some worms free to breed without ‘screening’ by drench. There are various ways to achieve this.  … What is Refugia? The term Refugia means a worm population that can reproduce without being exposed to drenching.  Keeping a population (or refuge) of drench-susceptible worms on the farm can slow the build-up of parasites resistant (R) …
  • External resource
    Mycoplasma bovis Info Hub …
  • Editable PDF
    FC10 Our Plan template: Catchment values …
  • Factsheet
    Winter cropping paddock WoF …
  • Crop types and worms … Does method of crop establishment matter? … Do crops have less worm larvae on them? What’s the best crop for low worm challenge? What if there’s lots of grass through my crop? Learn about worm challenge on different forage types, and approaches to managing worms and drench inputs while animals are grazing crops.  … Why crops?  Crops not only provide a less favourable habitat for worm larvae, but can also provide better nutrition, to grow young stock more quickly through …
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    Catch-crops increase the efficiency of the operation by retaining nitrogen in the root zone that farmers would otherwise have waved goodbye to. … Planting a catch crop is a way of reducing the risk of nitrate leaching after winter grazing, where there can be large amounts of residual soil nitrogen that is at risk of leaching. By planting another crop as soon as possible after your final grazing, you can capture those nutrients in the second crop and increase overall feed production from the …
  • Video
    An introduction to OverseerFM: Part 2 …