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  • This page contains useful information about the Government’s discussion document on the Emissions Reduction Plan, which will outline how the reductions required in the Climate Change Response Act will be met in the short term. … The Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan consultation – information for farmers The Government has finished consulting on the Emissions Reduction Plan. You can find B+LNZ’s submission below. Also on this page is the guidance we provided to farmers for making their own …
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    Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s tools and guides for feed planning. … Have a look at these resources for more help with feed budgeting: … Feed planning …
  • Find out how New Zealand’s sheep and beef farms are expected to perform this year – and how they’ve performed in the past. Farm management performance indicators are summarised by farm, hectare, stock unit, region, and farm class. They include balance sheet analysis. For comparison purposes, the spreadsheets include 10 years of sheep and beef farm data including the latest forecast. For quintile analysis, go to  Benchmark your farm . To benchmark the profitability of your own farm, try BLNZ’s …
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    … or resilient to worms. However, the mob production responses to using drench were so big that once we had this tool, all animals got treated regardless.  So we’ve always had animals with the genetics to cope better, but until …
  • A new blueprint to lift the environmental performance of New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector has been unveiled by Beef + Lamb New Zealand. … The Environment Strategy lays out a progressive long-term vision for the sector based around four priority areas – healthy productive soils, thriving biodiversity, reducing carbon emissions and cleaner water. As part of the plan, B+LNZ has identified two key goals – every sheep and beef farm having a tailored and active environment plan by the end of 2021, …
  • Pastoral Genomics is a New Zealand research consortium for forage improvement through biotechnology. … Pastoral Genomics is a consortium for forage improvement through biotechnology, comprised of B+LNZ, DairyNZ, DEEResearch, Grasslands Innovation (a joint venture between Grasslanz Technology and PGGW Seeds), Agriseeds, AgResearch and Dairy Australia. The board includes George Tatham, B+LNZ Farmer Director for the Eastern North Island. Forage improvement The aim of Pastoral Genomics is to …
  • … (NPS) for Indigenous Biodiversity with consultation closing on 14 March 2020 . National Policy Statements are a tool the Government uses to set regulatory requirements across the country. The NPS for biodiversity is of particular …
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    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when doing potentially hazardous tasks by hand. A manual handling task may be hazardous if it requires significant force, repetitive effort, a sustained/awkward posture or continuous vibration. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be physically capable of completing the manual task being asked of him/her What equipment do you need? Boots Gloves (if appropriate to task) Any equipment that may safely and practically assist the worker to …
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    What’s the problem with high levels of nutrients? The problem is periphyton – the slime and algae found on river and stream beds. These organisms are essential for ecosystem functioning, but – under certain circumstances – they can proliferate and degrade waterways’ aesthetic, recreational, biodiversity and economic values. New Zealand streams are particularly prone to excessive periphyton growth because of the gravel nature of stream beds, high-intensity sunlight, warm waters and nutrient …
  • Numerous rewarding career opportunities exist in sheep and beef farming and the broader red meat sector. Whether you're seeking your initial job or exploring training options, we've compiled useful resources to assist you on your path. … There are many exciting careers available within sheep and beef farming and the wider red meat sector.  Many people gain work on a farm directly after leaving school. Others choose to study first at a university, polytechnic or a cadet farm. The variety of …