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Displaying 121 - 130 results of 917
  • Factsheet
    … Describing and advertising the job …
  • Learning module
    … Measuring progress – KPIs and Benchmarking …
  • Industry data
    … UK mutton and lamb production …
  • … Advocacy update: biodiversity and sequestration …
    image of mixed plantings on farm and sheep
  • Resource book
    A core set of KPI measures for red meat farming businesses …
  • … Supporting sector capability and training …
    Training students
  • … Making sure that our farmers are getting the best value they can for their beef and lamb is not just about maintaining the status quo in our current markets – it’s also about using market innovation to … innovation that is transformational to the New Zealand red meat sector in terms of profitability, sustainability, and confidence. … What is market innovation? Market innovation is the improvement of the mix of target markets and of the way in which these are served. It includes new markets and new distribution processes in foreign and local …
  • Page
    … Sheep breeding with most lambs sold store or grown out elsewhere … Sheep breeding and finishing on same feed platform … Lamb finishing on ‘clean’ feed … Lamb trading on permanent pasture only … Learn about how different farm systems and policies set up different levels of risk – both for worm challenge, and for drench resistance. We also highlight some management ideas and risk mitigations. … Good nutrition is #1  No matter …
  • Factsheet
    … Describe and advertise the job …
  • Page
    … Agricultural compounds are chemicals – including veterinary medicines – used to improve the quantity and quality of produce and slow down the rate at which it spoils. … Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVMs) are used in the production of primary produce (farmed plants or animals), by home …