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Displaying 101 - 110 results of 134
  • Experts share tips on catchment legalities and telling your rural story …
  • Farmer input informing ETS submission …
    Three farmers
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    Which paddocks will you be using for next year’s winter feed crops? To ensure the best environmental and animal welfare outcomes, B+LNZ has compiled a list of three critical factors to consider when selecting paddocks for growing winter feed crops. … 1. Understand the risks of winter grazing  Winter grazing can increase the risk of sediment, harmful bacteria and nutrients ending up in water. Reducing this risk begins with paddock selection. Paddocks with water flowing through or over the soil …
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    What type of worm laid those eggs? Faecal egg counts tell us how many worm eggs our stock are passing. Larval cultures tell us what worm genus the eggs are from.   … Larval cultures are normally done at an animal health laboratory. Eggs are incubated and  hatched out; the resulting larvae are identified under a microscope. Larval cultures identify worms to the ‘genus’ level (not ‘species') – e.g. Trichostrongylus worms are reported as ‘Trichstrongylus’ , not ‘ T colubriformis’ or ‘ T vitrinus’ …
  • Update on policy relating to highly productive land …
    cows and landscape
  • Report finds Northland’s Extension 350 farming programme a success …
    350 extension banner
  • Kiwis Backing Farmers campaign sending a message …
    Kiwis Backing Farmers banner
  • B+LNZ’s Taste Pure Nature origin brand is live in the US and China with a digital media campaign to introduce our target market – the “Conscious Foodies” to the provenance of New Zealand beef and lamb. … Our Taste Pure Nature origin brand will be used as a global brand platform to underpin exporters’ marketing programmes and enhance the positioning of New Zealand red meat. It has been developed in partnership with meat processors and farmers. Eventually, Taste Pure Nature brand assets will be …
  • Checking beef cattle health this autumn …
    cows and landscape
  • Global agriculture innovation on display at E-Tipu IFAMA 2023 …
    e tipu conference