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    This page provides information for preparing for and responding to floods, including factsheets, and links to websites and organisations that can help provide you with support. … Factsheets for preparing for a flood, recovering from a flood and health & safety post-flood Developed in response to previous flood events, these three factsheets – Preparing for a Flood, Recovering from a Flood, and Health and Safety Post-Flood – are guidelines to help farmers prepare for rain events and deal with …
  • The consultation period for the Government's Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill – better known as the Zero Carbon Bill – has closed. There will be a transitional period to 2021 to get the new provisions up and running. … Key information Submissions on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill closed 16 July 2019. B+LNZ has lodged its submission on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill following a comprehensive analysis of the Government’s …
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    Careful planning for winter allows you to winter animals in a way that ensures the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained and environmental risks are mitigated. … When planning for winter, careful thought needs to be given to: 1. Paddock/Grazing Management When you’re standing at the gate considering how best to feed your crop, here are some factors to consider: Feed planning  – how many animals will this crop feed and for how long. Consider using the B+LNZ FeedSmart app. This app …
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    Trees are an important part of pastoral-based farming systems.  … Benefits of plantings trees on farms: Provide windbreaks and shade for livestock help them grow faster​.  Stock feed during droughts or shortages of feed​.  Help soil retention on steep slopes, stop erosion.  Improve the productivity of your land, especially areas that do not grow good pasture​.  Provide landscape diversity and wildlife habitat, biodiversity​.  Absorb carbon to help offset your, or others’ emissions.  Help …
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    … for Farmers” booklet visit the NZ Landcare Trust's biodiversity resources webpage . MPI’s new information and knowledge hub, ‘Canopy’ is now live and can be accessed through the website: . Canopy aims to provide New …
  • … farm plan. If you’re interested in doing a farm planning workshop, head over to Catchment Community Groups This Catchment Community Group Workshop will help your group identify your …
  • … on our workshop to help you plan for and manage your winter grazing, visit the Winter Grazing webpage in the Knowledge Hub. In this workshop, you’ll work through the ‘Forage Cropping’ section of B+LNZ’s Farm Plan: Environment Module. It …
  • The Ministry for Primary Industries released Phase 1 of a national policy statement for soils in August this year which addresses the management of versatile soils. This NPS has been called the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land. … The Government has proposed a NPS-HPL to prevent the loss of more of our productive land and promote its sustainable management.  Phase 1 of the NPS-HPL looks at protecting and managing versatile soils in the face of urban growth. Phase 2 will look …
  • The aim of this project was to develop an udder scoring system associated with udder health, lamb survival and lamb growth rates and can accurately be used by farmers. … To do this, the following was investigated: recognise and describe the range of udder and teat defects found in commercially-farmed ewes factors associated with clinical and subclinical mastitis in ewes the impact of udder and teat defects and udder health on lamb survival and pre-weaning live weight gain. Background Lambing …
  • In April and May 2024 the Commission consulted on its advice to Government about New Zealand’s methane reduction targets and related issues.   About the consultation   The Commission consulted on what emissions reductions are possible by 2040, what we should aim for by 2050, and what types of emissions we should take responsibility for.  The Commission reviews New Zealand’s current emissions budgets and recommends the maximum level of the next emissions budget every few years but only looks at …