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    … The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator is a free tool, designed to help farmers measure on-farm GHG emissions and sequestration. Once you’ve done your calculation you can then choose to complete our online action plan. (Note: you … gases. GWP* isn’t practical or necessary at a farm level, in part because it requires around 20 years of historical data. To support this split gas approach the GHG Calculator presents emission volumes for each gas without any conversion. … There’s also a video showing how to access and use the Online GHG action plan . Before you get started To use these tools, you need to have a B+LNZ online account. It’s quick and easy to set one up – info below. Logging in means your data
  • … Making use of ewe pregnancy scanning data
  • Resource book
    … Computing for farmers using farm data workbook …
  • Interactive tool
    Benchmarking Tool …
  • Meet Gemma Jenkins, Informing New Zealand Beef Programme …
    Gemma Jenkins
  • … HATA provides support for teachers with resources, content and conferences. Get access to the Members only section of their website, featuring valuable information and resources.  … The Horticulture and Agriculture Teachers Association of New Zealand (HATA) is a subject association dedicated to promoting and improving …
  • Interactive tool
    Meat Export Tool …
  • … Trial highlights benefits of using genetic tools
  • Data collection underway in Next Generation beef herds …
    Jason Archer and Anna Boyd
  • Resource book
    … BT6 Our Plan template: Photopoint record data sheet …