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Displaying 281 - 290 results of 389
  • Helping farmers plan for success since 1991, our world-leading monitor farm programme focuses on a single farm business over a three to four year period. … Note: this programme is currently under review. How does it work? Community groups identify key issues impacting local production and farm performance and select a farmer and facilitator. The group then develops and implements a business plan and 3-4 year monitoring plan. Local agribusiness people are on hand to support monitor farmers …
  • The eight farm classes … We provide accurate, independent information to help farmers, meat processors, consultants and other organisations with their planning. Below you’ll find data and tools you can use to make farming business decisions – from export statistics to economic reports to interactive tools. … What is "all classes"? The all classes distributions are weighted averages of individual farm class data to correctly portray a whole region or the New Zealand lambing percentage …
  • Find out more about B+LNZ’s mahi in the Māori agribusiness sector.    … To be a Korowai of support and advocacy for our Māori levy payers as well as the wider Red Meat sector .  ‘Waiho I te toipoto, Kaua I te toiroa’ , Lets us be close together, not far apart’   Our mahi in the Māori agribusiness sector covers a range of areas including:  providing information and support – we work on the ground where needed, run wānanga and hui, and collaborate across the sector, with a strong focus on farm …
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd is the farmer-owned, industry organisation representing New Zealand's sheep and beef farmers. We invest farmer levies in programmes that grow the sheep and beef industry and provide sustainable returns now and for future generations. … …
  • The 2024 B+LNZ Awards entries are open. Shine a light on your local hero by nominating them for one or more of the eight award categories.  … The Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards celebrate the people, the innovation, the technologies, and farming systems that make New Zealand’s red meat industry world-leading.  … The B+LNZ Awards evolved out of the successful B+LNZ Sheep Industry Awards but now encompasses the whole red meat sector (sheep, beef and dairy beef). The eight award categories (four …
  • The lifecycle of most gut worms is the same – understanding this helps with decision-making around grazing and drenching. Understanding the patterns of what worm species predominate where, when and in which stock classes can also help you manage worms on your farm. … Worms …
  • B+LNZ has developed a range of handy tools to help farmers, meat processors, consultants and others with planning and business decisions.  … Lambing calculator  Compare your lambing percentage with other farms of your type, and regionally and nationally, using information sourced from B+LNZ’s Sheep & Beef Farm Survey.  … Sheep calendar   Key sheep-producing activities across the year, to help you manage ewes effectively and keep your team updated.   … Benchmarking tool  Find out the key …
  • In the 2017 manifesto, Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) and the Meat Industry Association (MIA) sought an increase in partnership and collaboration with government and others.   … It sought to increase the sector’s contribution to GDP, further the trade liberalisation agenda and collaborate on policy development to equip farmers with the right knowledge, tools and support for continuous improvement in the key focus area of the environment.  Other priority areas outlined in the manifesto included …
  • B+LNZ Genetics was established in 2014 to consolidate New Zealand’s sheep and beef genetics research and innovation into a single entity as a division of B+LNZ. … B+LNZ Genetics exists to help commercial farmers make the most profitable breeding decisions for their particular farm management system. It does this by ensuring breeding objectives are commercially focused and developing easy-to-use selection tools. … B+LNZ Genetics is funded by sheep and beef levy payers and the Ministry of …
  • Access weekly, monthly and annual slaughter statistics for export-inspected New Zealand beef, lamb and mutton, livestock numbers for the past 10 years, and estimates for the year ahead. … This information comes from aggregated data. The statistics relate to meat produced in export-inspected New Zealand beef and sheepmeat processing facilities, some of which is consumed in New Zealand. … Livestock numbers for New Zealand sheep, beef, and dairy cattle from July 2010 to July 2021, with estimates …