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Displaying 151 - 160 results of 389
  • Farm expenditure and inflation expected to impact farm profit margins …
    sheep in paddock
  • Report finds Northland’s Extension 350 farming programme a success …
    350 extension banner
  • Southern South Island director election result …
    image of cow and lamb
  • … to last around 3 years. The farms focus on developing new knowledge and on delivering results that can be picked up by early adopters and high-performing farmers. Innovation farm projects are likely to be technical in nature and involve …
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    … to your stock. Treatment Regularly inspect your animals and know the signs of disease to ensure problems are detected early. Seek early advice from a veterinarian in relation to any unusual signs, sickness or death or where a large number of animals …
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    … puberty is influenced by breed, genetics, size (weight), nutrition, and season of birth. Ewe lambs can reach puberty as early as five months of age.   It is recommended to draft any non-replacement ewe hoggets you plan to sale once they meet … don’t end up with any surprises during transit.   If you are unsure consider scanning cull ewes (can be determined as early as 35 days post-breeding until lambing).  Keep a look out for the typical signs of an impending lambing.   These can …
  • Factsheet
    Rumen acidosis …
  • Lack of capsules a chance to re-set …
    Image of farmers body conditioning scoring ewes
  • Developing fit-for-purpose qualifications for farmers …
    image of woman at computer
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    … to your stock. Treatment Regularly inspect your animals and know the signs of disease to ensure problems are detected early. Seek early advice from a veterinarian in relation to any unusual signs, sickness or death or where a large number of animals …