Voting about to get underway in B+LNZ’s referendum

// B+LNZ

Voting packs for the 2021 sheepmeat and beef levy referendum will be arriving in mail boxes from Tuesday 1 June and farmers are being asked to keep an eye out for the large green envelopes.

B+LNZ’s Chairman Andrew Morrison says voting runs until 9 July and he strongly encourages farmers to take the opportunity to have their say about the future of their levy-funded organisation.

“Farmers get the opportunity to vote every six years, as required by the Commodity Levies Act, so it’s a good time for farmers to consider all the work B+LNZ does on their behalf to ensure this country’s red meat industry remains world-leading.”

He says there is information in the voting pack about how levies are invested, and B+LNZ is also holding a series of roadshow events throughout the country to give farmers more information and answer any questions.

“It is a busy time on-farm, so we are giving farmers plenty of notice and I really encourage all levy payers to come along and discuss their organisation with us.

“We know it’s not easy for farmers at the moment. Our industry is facing once in a generation regulatory changes, so farmers need to have an organisation that represents their interests and advocates on their behalf.

“While advocacy is top of mind for farmers, in my many conversations over the last month they’ve also emphasised B+LNZ’s role in research, market access, market promotion, recruiting and training people for the industry, and telling the farmer story domestically – these are some of the issues we’ll be discussing on the roadshow and that are covered in the referendum document.”

Events, which are listed on B+LNZ’s website, will cover B+LNZ’s levy-funded work and the referendum offer. B+LNZ Directors and key staff will be at each event.

“Larger events will include a particular focus on areas local farmers have told us are of interest. Whether that’s our research and development investment, an update on the Taste Pure Nature marketing or on our work in the environmental policy space, there will be something of interest to levy-payers. Head online and register for an event near you.”

Events begin on 8 June and vary regionally.